Intimacy With God

Attributes of God’s Character – God Is Truthful

What is Truthfulness? The attribute of God's truthfulness is a fundamental aspect of His character, encapsulating His absolute reliability, honesty, and consistency in all His words and actions. This attribute means God embodies truth; He cannot lie, deceive, or...

Attributes Of God’s Character – God Is Kind

What is Kindness? The attribute of God's kindness is a vital aspect of His character, revealing His inherent benevolence, goodwill, and tender-heartedness towards creation. This divine kindness is more than mere niceness or politeness; it's a deep-rooted grace that...

Attributes Of God’s Character – God Is Patient

What is Patience? The attribute of God's patience, often termed as long suffering, is a profound aspect of His character that demonstrates His enduring tolerance and forbearance toward humanity. Unlike human patience, with its limitations, God's patience is deeply...

Attributes Of God’s Character – God Is Good

God’s Goodness The attribute of God's goodness encapsulates His inherent moral excellence, kindness, generosity, and benevolence. It signifies that all His actions, motives, and plans are intrinsically good, devoid of evil or malice, and are the ultimate standard of...

Attributes of God’s Character – God Is Faithful

God’s Faithfulness The attribute of God's faithfulness is a deeply reassuring aspect of His character, embodying His unwavering loyalty, reliability, and steadfast commitment to His promises and creation. This faithfulness means that God can be trusted entirely in all...

Attributes of God’s Character – God Is Gracious

God’s Graciousness God's graciousness is a profound and defining attribute of His character, highlighting His unmerited favour and generous benevolence towards humanity. This grace, a fundamental element of who God is, influences His interactions with us, underpinning...

Attributes Of God’s Character – God Is Merciful

What Is the Mercy of God?  The attribute of God's mercy is a vital aspect of His character, embodying His compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. It's a facet of God that reveals His heart towards humanity, especially in how He deals with our shortcomings, sufferings,...

Attributes Of God’s Character – God Is Just

God’s Justice The concept of God's justice is a crucial aspect of His divine nature, affirming that He is always fair, righteous, and impartial. This attribute is foundational to understanding who God is, as it ensures that His actions and decisions are perfectly...

Attributes of God’s Character – God is Holy

What is Holiness? The attribute of God's holiness is one of the most awe-inspiring aspects of His character. It encapsulates His absolute purity, righteousness, and being set apart from all else. Holiness isn't just an attribute of God; it is the essence of His very...