17th - 23rd May
Psalm 145:17

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What is Kindness?

The attribute of God’s kindness is a vital aspect of His character, revealing His inherent benevolence, goodwill, and tender-heartedness towards creation. This divine kindness is more than mere niceness or politeness; it’s a deep-rooted grace that permeates His actions and interactions with humanity.

God’s kindness is an expression of His love and mercy. It’s not based on what we deserve but is a demonstration of His generous nature. This kindness goes beyond superficial gestures; it’s about God’s genuine concern for our well-being and His desire to bestow goodness upon us. This is evident in how He provides, cares, and makes provisions for our physical and spiritual needs.

The kindness of God is also seen in His patient and gentle dealing with us, especially in times of weakness or failure. He does not harshly condemn but offers forgiveness and guidance, leading us toward restoration and growth. This kindness often draws people towards repentance and a deeper relationship with Him.

Moreover, God’s kindness is consistent and steadfast. Unlike human kindness, which can fluctuate based on emotions or circumstances, God’s kindness is unwavering, anchored in His unchanging nature. It’s a kindness we can rely on, providing comfort and assurance in life’s ups and downs.

In essence, God’s kindness reflects His loving and gracious nature. It’s a profound and powerful force that works for our ultimate good, showing how He interacts with us and underscoring His deep commitment to our welfare. Understanding God’s kindness can profoundly affect how we view Him and inspire us to emulate this kindness, extending grace, compassion, and goodness to others.

Scripture References

  • Psalm 145:17: “The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works.”
  • Ephesians 2:7: “So that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”
  • Titus 3:4-5: “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.”
  • Romans 2:4: “Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?”
  • Psalm 31:21: “Praise be to the Lord, for he showed me the wonders of his love when I was in a city under siege.”
  • Joel 2:13: “Rend your heart and not your hosts. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.”

Biblical Example of God’s Kindness

A poignant biblical example illustrating God’s kindness is the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, narrated in John 4:1-42.

In this narrative, Jesus, a Jew, breaks cultural and social norms by speaking to a Samaritan woman, a group typically shunned by Jews. He engages with her in a deeply personal conversation, offering her “living water” – a metaphor for eternal life and salvation. Jesus says in John 4:10, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

This story beautifully demonstrates God’s kindness in several ways. First, it shows that God’s kindness transcends societal barriers. Jesus’ willingness to engage with someone considered an outcast exemplifies the boundless and inclusive nature of God’s kindness.

This narrative teaches the importance of showing kindness without discrimination or prejudice. It’s about extending God’s love and compassion to all, regardless of their background, status, or how society views them.

Moreover, Jesus’ conversation with the woman reveals another aspect of kindness: the ability to speak truth with love. Jesus gently uncovers the truths about the woman’s life, yet His approach is not condemning but rather inviting and revealing of His compassionate nature.

In your life, embodying God’s kindness means being a source of compassion and understanding and being willing to speak truth in love. It’s about reflecting God’s love in your words and actions, offering support, encouragement, and truth to those around you.

Additionally, this story encourages you to seek and offer spiritual nourishment. Just as Jesus offers the woman living water, you can also seek spiritual sustenance in Christ and share this with others, inviting them to experience the love and salvation that comes from God.

The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman is a powerful demonstration of God’s kindness. It teaches you to break down barriers of judgment or prejudice, to offer kindness and truth in your interactions, and to be a conduit of spiritual nourishment to those around you. By living out these principles, you grow spiritually and lead others toward a triumphant and fulfilling life in Christ.

Why Should We Praise God for His Kindness?

Praising God for His kindness involves recognizing and expressing gratitude for His inherent benevolence, goodwill, and tender-heartedness. Understanding why and how to praise Him for His kindness can deeply enrich your spiritual life.

Why Praise God for His Kindness

1. Acknowledgment of His Benevolent Nature: God’s kindness is an expression of His love and mercy, demonstrating His concern for our well-being (Psalm 145:17, Ephesians 2:7). Praising Him for this kindness means recognizing His generous nature and the goodness He bestows upon us.

2. Appreciation of His Patient and Gentle Dealing: God’s kindness is evident in His forgiveness and guidance, especially in our weaknesses and failings (Titus 3:4-5). Praising Him for this aspect of His nature means appreciating His patience and gentle approach.

3. Recognition of His Consistent and Steadfast Kindness: Unlike human kindness, which can be fickle, God’s kindness is unwavering and anchored in His unchanging nature (Psalm 31:21, Joel 2:13). Praising Him for His steadfast kindness is to acknowledge His reliability and faithfulness.


As we conclude our study on God’s kindness, I invite you to engage in these four reflection exercises, helping you to connect deeply with this essential aspect of His character:

Reflect on the Depth of God’s Benevolent Nature: Think about a time when you experienced unexpected kindness from someone. Now, contemplate how God’s kindness is even deeper and more profound, as described in Psalm 145:17 and Ephesians 2:7. How does recognizing God’s immense kindness toward you influence your feelings of worth and gratitude? Consider writing down your reflections or sharing them with someone, focusing on how this realization impacts your daily life and faith.

Contemplate God’s Patient Guidance in Your Life: Reflect on an instance where you made a mistake or were in a tough situation; someone showed you patience and understanding. How does God’s kind, patient nature, as shown in Titus 3:4-5, surpass this human kindness? Journal about or discuss times when you’ve experienced God’s patient guidance, considering how this has helped you grow and what it teaches you about showing patience to others.

Meditate on the Consistency of God’s Kindness: Spend some time meditating on how, unlike human kindness, God’s kindness is steadfast and unwavering (Psalm 31:21, Joel 2:13). Reflect on the comfort and assurance this brings to your life, especially in uncertain times. You might want to express these thoughts through a creative medium like poetry, art, or music, capturing the essence of God’s unfailing kindness.

Apply the Example of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: Think about the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well from John 4:1-42. Reflect on how Jesus’ actions demonstrate God’s inclusive and compassionate kindness. Consider an action you can take this week to extend kindness beyond your usual circle, breaking down barriers as Jesus did. This could be a conversation, an act of service, or reaching out to someone different from you.

Through these exercises, I hope you’ll understand God’s kindness more fully and find ways to embody it in your interactions with others. Remember, God’s kindness is not just something we receive; it’s a quality we are called to reflect in our own lives. By mirroring His kindness, we can significantly impact our communities and relationships, spreading His love and grace to those around us.

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