29th March to 4th April
Habakkuk 1:13

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What is Holiness?

The attribute of God’s holiness is one of the most awe-inspiring aspects of His character. It encapsulates His absolute purity, righteousness, and being set apart from all else. Holiness isn’t just an attribute of God; it is the essence of His very being, defining everything about Him and setting Him apart as distinct, not only from sin and evil but also from His creation.

God’s purity is a central aspect of His holiness. This means He is entirely devoid of any form of evil or sin. His thoughts, actions, and motives are of unblemished purity. Habakkuk 1:13 poignantly expresses this, noting that God’s eyes are too pure to even look upon evil, emphasizing His absolute moral and ethical purity. Similarly, 1 John 1:5 declares, “God is light; in him, there is no darkness at all.” This metaphor of light beautifully illustrates the unadulterated purity of God’s nature, which is absolute and all-encompassing.

God’s righteousness is another facet of His holiness. This righteousness means God is always fair, just, and right in His judgments and actions. He is the embodiment of perfect justice. Psalm 11:7 and Deuteronomy 32:4 affirm this, portraying God as loving justice, doing no wrong, and being upright in all His ways. His righteousness assures us that God’s decisions and actions are always just, never arbitrary or unfair.

Lastly, the concept of God being set apart highlights His transcendence and uniqueness. God is not just slightly better than His creation; He is utterly and incomparably different, existing in a category all of His own. This aspect of holiness means He is exalted above all things, sovereign and supreme. It’s a reminder of His infinite greatness and our finite understanding, calling us to a posture of reverence and worship.

In summary, the holiness of God is a rich and multi-dimensional attribute encompassing His purity, righteousness, and distinctness. It sets Him apart as not only different from us but also as the ultimate standard of moral perfection and the supreme being worthy of our reverence and worship. Understanding God’s holiness can deeply impact how we view Him, ourselves, and the world around us, guiding us toward a deeper respect and awe for who God is.

Scripture References

  • Habakkuk 1:13: “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrongdoing.”
  • 1 John 1:5: “God is light; in him, there is no darkness at all.”
  • Psalm 11:7: “For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.”
  • Deuteronomy 32:4: “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”
  • Isaiah 6:3: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”
  • 1 Samuel 2:2: “There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.”

Biblical Example of God’s Love

A compelling biblical example that embodies the attribute of God’s holiness is the account of Moses and the Burning Bush in Exodus 3:1-15.

In this passage, Moses encounters God in the form of a burning bush that is not consumed. God calls out to him from the bush, saying, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). This moment underscores the holiness of God – His utter uniqueness, purity, and separation from all that is worldly or common.

For you, this narrative imparts several key lessons about God’s holiness. First, it teaches the reverence due to God. Just as Moses was instructed to remove his sandals as a sign of respect and acknowledgment of God’s sanctity, you are called to approach God with a sense of awe and humility, recognizing His profound otherness.

Secondly, the Burning Bush symbolizes God’s holiness as awe-inspiring and accessible. God is not distant or unapproachable in His holiness; rather, He invites you into a relationship, just as He did with Moses. This shows that God’s holiness doesn’t push you away but draws you closer to a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him.

In your daily life, embracing God’s holiness can manifest in several ways. It might mean setting aside time to be in God’s presence acknowledging Him as holy through worship and prayer. It also involves living a life that reflects His holiness – seeking purity, practicing integrity, and being set apart for His purposes.

Significantly, God’s holiness is not something you achieve but something you are invited to participate in. It’s about allowing the holiness of God to transform you, shaping your character, and guiding your actions. This transformation leads to a triumphant existence, where your life reflects God’s holiness, impacting how you interact with others and perceive the world around you.

In summary, just as Moses encountered God’s holiness at the Burning Bush, you are invited to experience this holiness in your everyday life. It’s a journey of reverence, transformation, and drawing closer to God, allowing His holiness to guide and shape your path.

Why Should We Praise God for His Love?

Praising God for His holiness is an act of worship that reflects our deep reverence and acknowledgment of His distinct, pure, and righteous nature. Here’s how we should praise God for His holiness and why it is crucial:

  1. Acknowledgment of His Perfect Nature: God’s holiness represents His absolute purity and righteousness. Praising Him for this perfection is an acknowledgment of His supreme nature, as depicted in 1 John 1:5 and Habakkuk 1:13.
  2. Recognition of His Justice: God’s holiness encompasses His perfect justice. Praising Him for this attribute reassures us of His fairness in all His judgments and actions (Psalm 11:7, Deuteronomy 32:4).
  3. Worship of His Transcendence: Praising God’s holiness recognizes His incomparable nature and sovereignty. It acknowledges that He is set apart from all creation, infinitely greater than anything else (Isaiah 6:3, 1 Samuel 2:2).
  4. Deepening Relationship with God: Just as Moses experienced a profound encounter with God’s holiness, praising His holiness draws us closer to Him, fostering a deeper, more intimate relationship.
  5. Transformation of Character: When we praise God for His holiness, we open ourselves to being transformed by it. This transformation shapes our character to reflect His purity and righteousness.
  6. Living in Awe of God: Praising God for His holiness cultivates a sense of awe and wonder in us. It keeps us mindful of His majesty and the privilege of having a relationship with such a holy God


As you explore the attribute of God’s holiness in your Bible study, I want to offer you four reflection exercises to deepen your understanding and personal engagement with this beautiful aspect of God’s character:

Reflecting on God’s Absolute Purity: Start by considering the complete purity of God, as highlighted in Habakkuk 1:13 and 1 John 1:5. Reflect on the concept of God being pure light, devoid of any darkness. How does this understanding of God’s absolute purity impact your view of sin and your personal walk with God? Spend some time in prayer, asking God to reveal areas in your life where you need His purifying light.

Contemplating God’s Righteous Judgments: God’s holiness is not just about purity, but also righteousness, as seen in Psalm 11:7 and Deuteronomy 32:4. Take a moment to consider situations in the world or in your own life where you have seen or are seeking God’s justice. How does understanding God as perfectly just and righteous affect your perspective on these situations? Write down your thoughts or share them in a group, focusing on the trust and peace that comes from knowing God’s judgments are always fair and right.

Reflecting on God’s Transcendence and Uniqueness: Consider the truth of God’s utter distinctness and transcendence, as shown in Isaiah 6:3 and 1 Samuel 2:2. Think about what it means that God is completely set apart from His creation. How does this realization shape your worship and reverence for God? Reflect on any ways in which this understanding of God’s holiness challenges or comforts you. Perhaps find a quiet place to meditate on these scriptures, allowing the Holy Spirit to deepen your sense of awe and reverence for God.

Application of God’s Holiness in Daily Life: Reflect on the story of Moses and the Burning Bush in Exodus 3:1-15. Just as Moses was called to recognize and respect the holiness of God, how are you being called to acknowledge and live in response to God’s holiness? Consider practical ways to mirror God’s holiness in your everyday life, such as through integrity, moral choices, and setting aside time for God. Journal your commitment to these actions or discuss them with others, seeking accountability and encouragement.

Through these exercises, my hope is that you’ll gain a deeper appreciation of God’s holiness and how it can transform your life. Remember, it’s not just about knowledge but about allowing the reality of God’s holiness to mould your heart, character, and daily living.

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the concept of God being pure light, devoid of any darkness. My understanding of God’s absolute purity impact on my personal walk with Him . God is not Sentimental
in His dealing with me. God is Pure, He’s not sentimental even when it comes to blessing me.He blesses me beyond His Grace that works in me.


Reading about God’s invitation to Moses and the subsequent command to take off his shoes almost feels like having a restrain on my desire to come to Him as Abba. Running as I am into His presence. Yet, I recognise through His trancendency that He’s not like my earthly Father, He’s more and though my finite mind can’t understand that, if that what He wants, by grace that’s what He’ll get.

Another, is Him being JUST. I sometimes feel they need to be ‘punished’, but He says “Vengeance is Mine”! And at the same time asks you to make the first move after having made every other first move to reconcile. For Christ’s sakes, we are all His children, why do they get to get away with being obstinate 😞 hmmm. I choose to trust Him but its a long walk. Glad He’s there.