Attributes Of God’s Character – God Is Just

God’s Justice The concept of God’s justice is a crucial aspect of His divine nature, affirming that He is always fair, righteous, and impartial. This attribute is foundational to understanding who God is, as it ensures that His actions and decisions are...

Attributes of God’s Character – God is Holy

What is Holiness? The attribute of God’s holiness is one of the most awe-inspiring aspects of His character. It encapsulates His absolute purity, righteousness, and being set apart from all else. Holiness isn’t just an attribute of God; it is the essence...

Attributes of God’s Character – God is Love

Understanding God is love is fundamental to grasping the essence of His character. This attribute, so central to who God is, is marked by deep affection, selflessness, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of His creation. This love is not just a fleeting...