24th - 30th May
John 14:6

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What is Truthfulness?

The attribute of God’s truthfulness is a fundamental aspect of His character, encapsulating His absolute reliability, honesty, and consistency in all His words and actions. This attribute means God embodies truth; He cannot lie, deceive, or mislead. Every word He speaks and promises He makes is rooted in truth and reality.

God’s truthfulness is not just about factual accuracy but also about the integrity and trustworthiness of His character. He is the ultimate standard of truth against which all else is measured. In a world where truth can often be relative or subjective, the truthfulness of God stands as a constant and unchanging benchmark. It’s a reassurance that there is no falsehood or inconsistency in Him.

This divine truthfulness is crucial for the reliability of God’s revelations, promises, and commandments. It means we can fully trust what He has revealed about Himself, us, and the world. His words in the Bible, His promises about salvation, and His guidance for living a righteous life are utterly dependable because they come from an intrinsically truthful God.

Furthermore, God’s truthfulness is intimately tied to His faithfulness. Because He is truthful, we can be confident that He will fulfill His promises and keep His covenants. This aspect of His character provides a foundation for faith and hope, allowing us to trust in His plans and purposes, even when circumstances might seem unclear or uncertain.

In essence, God’s truthfulness is a reflection of His perfect nature. It inspires trust, faith, and reliance in those who seek Him. Understanding and embracing this attribute of God can significantly influence our approach to life, encouraging us to seek truth, live honestly, and rely on His faithful words as a guide for our decisions and actions.

Scripture References

  • John 14:6: Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
  • Numbers 23:19: “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”
  •  Psalm 31:5: “Into your hands I commit my spirit; deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.” 
  • Titus 1:2: “In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began.” 
  • Hebrews 6:18: “God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged.” 
  • 2 Samuel 7:28: “Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant.”

Biblical Example of God’s Love

A significant biblical example that demonstrates God’s attribute of truthfulness is encapsulated in the declaration of  Jesus Christ, particularly His declaration in John 14:6: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

This declaration by Jesus asserts His identity and embodies the concept of God as the source of all truth. Throughout His ministry, Jesus consistently spoke truth, whether comfortable or challenging, and His teachings have stood as a foundational truth for Christians throughout the ages.

This declaration has profound implications. First, it signifies that truth is not just a concept but a person — Jesus Christ. Pursuing truth is not merely about seeking factual correctness but deepening your relationship with Jesus.

In your daily life, embodying God’s truthfulness means aligning your words and actions with the teachings and example of Jesus. It involves being honest and authentic in your interactions and decisions, reflecting the integrity and reliability that Jesus demonstrated.

Moreover, Jesus’ embodiment of truth provides a model for how to navigate life. His teachings offer guidance on how to live in a way that is pleasing to God, showing love, compassion, and justice. Living in truth, therefore, means not just believing in certain doctrines but also allowing these teachings to transform your life and actions.

Additionally, embracing Jesus as the truth challenges you to engage with the world around you from the standpoint of the Christian faith. In a world where truth can often seem relative or elusive, holding firm to the teachings of Jesus provides a solid foundation and a clear moral compass.

Furthermore, this narrative invites you to be an ambassador of truth in your sphere of influence. This could involve sharing the gospel. Moreover, standing up for what is right or simply providing a listening ear and a truthful word in times of need.

In summary, the truthfulness of God, as personified in Jesus Christ, is central to our faith and daily living. It calls for a commitment to live authentically, to follow Jesus’ teachings, and to be a bearer of His truth in the world. By doing so, you grow in your relationship with God and lead a grounded, purposeful, and triumphant life in the truth of Christ.

Why Should We Praise God for His Love?

Praising God for His truthfulness involves recognizing and expressing gratitude for His absolute reliability, honesty, and consistency. Understanding why and how to praise Him for His truthfulness can profoundly impact your spiritual life.

 Why Praise God for His Truthfulness

1. Recognition of His Absolute Reliability: God’s truthfulness means that every word He speaks and the promise He makes is rooted in truth and reality (John 14:6, Numbers 23:19). Praising Him for this trait acknowledges His unwavering honesty and integrity.

2. Appreciation of His Consistent Character: God’s truthfulness is not just about factual accuracy but the integrity and trustworthiness of His character (Psalm 31:5, Titus 1:2). Praising Him for His truthfulness means valuing His steadfast and unchanging nature.

3. Acknowledgment of His Faithfulness: Because He is truthful, we can be confident that He will fulfill His promises and keep His covenants (Hebrews 6:18, 2 Samuel 7:28). Praising Him for His truthfulness is to trust in His plans and purposes.


As we explore the attribute of God’s truthfulness in our Bible study, I encourage you to deepen your understanding and personal application of this quality through four reflective exercises:

Reflect on God’s Absolute Reliability: Think about a situation where someone’s words or actions didn’t align and how that impacted your trust. Now, contrast this with the unwavering honesty of God, as expressed in John 14:6 and Numbers 23:19. Reflect on what it means to have a God who embodies truth and is completely reliable. Write down or share how this understanding influences your trust in God and shapes your interactions with others.

Contemplate the Integrity of God’s Character: Consider Psalm 31:5 and Titus 1:2, which highlight God’s trustworthiness. Reflect on what it means to have a God whose truthfulness is part of His nature. How does this knowledge affect your feelings of security or belief in God’s promises? Journal about this or discuss it with your group, focusing on the impact of God’s consistent truthfulness on your faith.

Meditate on the Faithfulness of God’s Promises: Think about a significant promise from God. Reflect on how God’s truthfulness, as shown in Hebrews 6:18 and 2 Samuel 7:28, gives you confidence in His promises. Write a prayer or reflection expressing your trust in God’s truthfulness and thankfulness for His faithfulness.

Apply the Truth of Jesus in Your Daily Life: Reflect on Jesus’ statement in John 14:6. Consider what it means for truth to be personified in Jesus Christ. How can you align your words and actions with Jesus’ example of truthfulness? Identify one specific way you can practice honesty and authenticity this week, inspired by Jesus’ embodiment of truth.

Through these exercises, I hope you’ll gain a deeper appreciation of God’s truthfulness and manifestation in your life. Remember, embracing God’s truthfulness isn’t just about intellectual understanding; it’s about living in a way that reflects His reliability and integrity. By aligning your life with the truth of God’s word and the example of Jesus, you embody this divine attribute and navigate life with a foundation of unshakeable truth.

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