Weekly Watch

My Set Time For Promotion

My Set Time For Promotion

How to engage the Weekly Watch Prayers.  In preparing these prayer points, I am mindful of the fact that many of us minister in other places and spaces. Some of us come back to the prayers and want to engage more, so, I give more.However, for a weekly watch, this...

Wisdom Through The Life of Joseph

Wisdom Through The Life of Joseph

Let us consider some of Joseph's trials and what wisdom we can gain from them.  Navigating Trials with God's Wisdom and Favour   Joseph’s Faith Amidst Trials (Genesis 39:21-23) Verses 21-23: God’s presence with Joseph in prison, despite the injustice he faced,...

The Manifold Wisdom of God

The Manifold Wisdom of God

This weekend, we embark on a journey of seeking divine wisdom on our growth path, with Joseph as our guide. I will be highlighting some key verses that demonstrate wisdom, and then we will pray. There are a total of six prayer points, which we will explore in two...

Grow In The Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ

Grow In The Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ

Let Us Begin The Journey of Spiritual Growth.  1. God's Will and Knowledge Understanding God's will and growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ is crucial for our spiritual journey and important if we want to see the God of Wonders do mighty things in our lives. When...

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