
By Pastor Juliana T Akinbami

1. God’s Promise of Restoration 

– Anchor ScriptureJoel 2:25 
25 “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming [a]locust has eaten,
The crawling locust,
The consuming locust,
And the chewing locust,
My great army which I sent among you.

– Key IdeaGod has the capacity and willingness to restore beyond what was lost. Grace makes restoration available; faith brings it into reality. 
In this theme, we recognize and thank God for His promises and His proven power to not only restore but also to change our conditions beyond what they once were. The scriptures Joel 2:25 and Job 42:10 remind us of God’s commitment to restore, it grounds our faith and expectations in His divine restoration for our lives.

Supporting Scriptures:
– Joel 2:25
– Job 42:10 – God restored Job’s losses, giving him twice as much as he had before.
– 1 Samuel 30:6, 18 – David pursued, overtook, and recovered all.
– Isaiah 61:7 – God replaces shame with double honour and joy.

Prayer for Faith in God’s Promise of Restoration

  • Scripture: Joel 2:25
  • Prayer Point: Father, I thank You for Your promise that You will restore to us the years that the locusts have eaten. I pray for the faith to trust in Your word, to believe that You will restore all that has been lost or stolen in my life. Let my heart be grounded in Your truth and filled with hope as I await Your divine restoration.
  • In Jesus’ name.

Prayer for Complete Recovery of Lost Blessings

  • Scripture: 1 Samuel 30:6, 18
  • Prayer Point: Lord, just as David recovered all that was taken from him, I ask You to empower me to pursue and recover all my lost blessings. Grant me the strength and wisdom to reclaim every lost opportunity and relationship. Let nothing be left behind as I walk in the fullness of recovery. You have ordained for me. In the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Double Restoration in Place of Past Troubles

  • Scripture: Job 42:10; Isaiah 61:7
  • Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your promise of double restoration. Where there has been pain, loss, or shame, I pray for a double portion of joy, peace, and honour. Replace my past troubles with abundant blessings, and let my latter days be greater than the former as a testimony of Your goodness and mercy.

Prayer for the Manifestation of Restored Joy and Honour

  • Scripture: Isaiah 61:7
  • Prayer Point: Almighty God, You promise to replace our shame with double honour and to give us everlasting joy. I ask that You manifest this promise in my life. Let every area that has experienced shame be turned around for Your glory. Fill my heart with the joy that comes from You, and clothe me with the honour only You can provide. In the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Restoration with Peace, Rest, and Long Life

  • Scripture: Isaiah 57:18-19
  • Prayer Point: Lord God, You have promised to heal and guide us, to restore and to comfort those who mourn. I pray for restoration in every area of my life, and with this restoration, I ask for Your peace that surpasses all understanding.
  • Grant me the rest that only You can give, and bless me with a long life to enjoy the fruits of Your restoration. May Your peace dwell in my heart and my surroundings, making my days both tranquil and fulfilling as I live out the length of my days in Your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

2.  Restoration of Time and Opportunities 

– Key Scripture:

Isaiah 48:17 
17 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer,
The Holy One of Israel:
“I am the Lord your God,
Who teaches you to profit,
Who leads you by the way you should go.

– Key IdeaGod can restore wasted time and missed opportunities by teaching and guiding us in the right path. 
This theme is about personal recovery, especially regarding time that has slipped away or been misused. We seek God’s guidance to reclaim and make the most of our lost time, restoring our hope and grasping opportunities we thought were gone.

Supporting Scriptures:
– Psalm 84:11, Psalm 32:8 – God grants favour and guides us in restoring lost opportunities. 
– Luke 5:4-7 – Peter experienced restoration through divine instruction to cast his net at the right place and time.
– Isaiah 48:17,
– 2 Kings 6:4-7

Prayer for Divine Guidance in Restoring Time

  • Scripture: Isaiah 48:17
  • Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, thank You for declaring Yourself as our Teacher and Guide. I ask for Your wisdom and guidance to navigate my path forward. Holy Spirit teach me how to reclaim the time I’ve lost and to seize the opportunities You provide. As You lead me, I trust in Your promise to restore the years and moments that seemed wasted. In the name of Jesus.

Prayer for Miraculous Recovery of Opportunities

  • Scripture: 2 Kings 6:4-7
  • Prayer Point: Lord God, just as You miraculously recovered the lost axe head for the sons of the prophets, through the hand of Elijah, I pray for a miraculous recovery of opportunities I thought were forever lost.
  • Let Your supernatural power intervene in my life, bring forth possibilities from impossibilities, and demonstrate Your glory through the restoration of every good thing.

Prayer for Abundant Blessings in the Right Efforts

  • Scripture: Luke 5:4-7
  • Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, just as You instructed Peter to cast his nets for a catch resulting in an abundance, I pray for Your direction in my efforts. Lead me to the right places and the right times where I can cast my nets and gather the abundant blessings You have prepared for me.
  • May I be attentive to Your voice and obedient to Your instructions, trusting that You will restore more than I can imagine. Send Your Word, lord Jesus, that will result in the miraculous in Jesus’ name.

Prayer for Complete Restoration and Pleasant Surprises

  • Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11
  • Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, I declare in faith that my restoration will be complete in every aspect of my life. Your plans for me are for prosperity and not for harm, to give me a future filled with hope.
  •  I anticipate and welcome the pleasant surprises You have in store for me as part of this restoration. May unexpected blessings flow, turning every past pain into joy, and every loss into greater gain.
  • Let Your faithfulness be seen as You beautifully orchestrate these surprises in my journey. In the name of Jesus, Amen

3. Restoration of Finances and Wealth 

– Key ScriptureJob 42:10 
10 And the Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

– Key IdeaGod can restore financial losses, multiply wealth, and guide us to pay off debts with dignity and integrity. 
This theme addresses our financial restoration, focusing on overcoming financial losses and debts. We pray for God’s direction in handling financial issues and seek divine miracles to relieve our financial burdens.

Supporting Scriptures:
– Exodus 10:14-19 – Pray for the Holy Spirit to blow away every hindrance to financial progress. 
– Matthew 17:24-27 – Peter received divine guidance to find money to pay taxes in a fish’s mouth. 
Job 42:10

Prayer Points:

Prayer for Financial Restoration and Multiplication

  • Scripture: Job 42:10
  • Prayer Point: Lord God, You restored Job’s fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. I pray for the same restoration in my financial life. Multiply my resources, and bless me abundantly so that I may not only recover what I’ve lost but also receive more to support my family, bless others, and glorify Your name.

Prayer for Divine Intervention to Remove Financial Hindrances

  • Scripture: Exodus 10:14-19
  • Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, just as You sent a wind to remove the locusts that devastated Egypt, I ask for the Holy Spirit to blow away every hindrance blocking my financial progress. Remove every obstacle that consumes my finances, and clear the path for my prosperity in Jesus’ name.

Prayer for Guidance and Provision to Pay Off Debts

  • Scripture: Matthew 17:24-27
  • Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, You provided miraculously for Peter to find the coin in the fish’s mouth to pay taxes. I seek Your divine guidance and provision in my situation. Guide me to unexpected sources of income and opportunities that will enable me to pay off my debts with dignity and integrity. Provide the means that surpass my calculations and expectations. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

Prayer for Wisdom in Financial Management

  • Scripture: James 1:5
  • Prayer Point: Almighty God, You promise to give wisdom generously to all without finding fault. I ask for wisdom in managing my finances. Teach me how to budget, save, invest, and spend wisely. Help me to make informed decisions that will lead to financial stability and growth, and prevent future losses. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer for the Multiplication of Lost Blessings and Restoration with Dignity

  • Scripture: Zechariah 9:12
  • Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, I declare by faith that You will multiply what I have lost and bring about restoration with dignity. As a prisoner of hope, I return to my stronghold—trusting in Your promise to restore double to me.
  • May every area of loss in my life be turned into a testimony of Your faithfulness and abundance. Let Your blessings overflow, restoring my dignity and setting a foundation for a prosperous future. In Jesus name, Amen.

Conclusion and Thanksgiving

As we conclude our journey this weekend, let us hold fast to the spirit of gratitude. We thank God for His unwavering faithfulness and the profound promises He has given us. His word assures us that He is not only capable of restoring what was lost but also committed to enriching our lives beyond our previous experiences.

As we move forward, may our testimonies be a beacon of God’s goodness and a testament to His power to restore. Let each restored blessing serve as a reminder of His love and grace. We are thankful for the peace and restoration bestowed upon us, and we eagerly anticipate the continuous unfolding of His promises in our lives.

May our days be filled with the evidence of God’s handiwork, and may our lives reflect the glory of His divine restoration. In every moment of restoration, let us remember to return to Him our offerings of thanksgiving and praise.

To God be the glory, great things He has done and will continue to do. Amen.

Invitation to Join Communion Hour

As we conclude this powerful watch, I invite you to join us in the Communion Hour as we seal our prayers and declarations with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Communion is a sacred act that reminds us of the victory Christ secured for us and the divine favour we now walk in.

 As we partake, we receive the fullness of His grace and favour over our families, our health, and our circumstances.

Join us as we honour the Lord through communion and experience His transforming power.

We will be live on Facebook and YouTube on Friday, October 18th, at 1 PM EST/ 6 PM WAT (Nigeria).

All handles are @thewatchersprayerministry. 

Thank You for joining me and other Watchers to pray this weekend. 

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I love you dearly. thank you for being a part of my life. 

Pastor Tee