Do Not Weep

By Pastor Juliana T Akinbami

 Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son

 Luke 7: 11 Now it happened, the day after, that He went into a  city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him, and a large crowd. 12 And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with her. 13 When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 14 Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” 15 So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.
16 Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has risen up among us”; and, “God has visited His people.” 17 And this report about Him went throughout all Judea and all the surrounding region.

Emphasis Luke 7 v 13 – 15



Luke 7:13 “When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’”

In the small village of Nain, a tragic loss occurred that would forever change the lives of those who witnessed it. A widow, already burdened by the loss of her husband, now faced the unbearable pain of losing her only son. The grief and despair that enveloped her were palpable, as she mourned the loss of her beloved child. In the midst of this darkness, hope seemed like a distant memory, a fragile thread that threatened to unravel at any moment.

Yet, in the midst of this sorrow, a glimmer of light appeared on the horizon. Jesus, the compassionate and merciful Saviour, approached the grieving widow and her procession. His heart was moved with compassion for her, and he spoke words of comfort and reassurance, “DO NOT WEEP”. By telling her not to weep, Jesus is not just offering comfort but is also preparing her for the miraculous act He is about to perform. It shows His authority and deep empathy.

The words of Jesus to the widow, “Do not weep,” offer a profound expression of comfort and reassurance which can be applied in various aspects of everyday life. Here are some practical applications:
Let us delve deeper:

Trust in Divine Compassion

Psalm 34:18 – “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.”

  •  Recognize that, like the widow, you are never alone in your struggles. God is aware of and compassionate towards our pain and suffering. In your daily life, whenever you face challenges or moments of sadness, remind yourself that God sees your situation and is moved to support you, just as Jesus was moved by the widow’s grief.
  • Tell yourself, God is compassionate toward me.

Encouragement to Hope
Romans 15:13 – “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

  • Jesus didn’t just ask the widow not to cry; He followed it with a miracle that changed the reason she was crying. Similarly, in your life, use these words to remind yourself to maintain hope and expect positive changes, even in bleak situations. When you face difficult times, remember that circumstances can transform unexpectedly, often with divine intervention.

Staying Focused on the Positive
Philippians 4:8 – “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

  • Jesus’ instruction “Do not weep” is a directive to focus on the positives, even when the negatives seem overwhelming. Everyday practice focusing more on what you have and the potential for good outcomes rather than what you’ve lost or what’s going wrong. This isn’t about denying your feelings but about maintaining a hopeful perspective that leads to emotional resilience.

Prayer as a Resource
1 Peter 5:7 – “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

  • Incorporate the spirit of “Do not weep” into your prayer life. When you bring your concerns to God in prayer, do so with the belief that He hears and responds. After laying down your burdens through prayer, allow yourself to feel the emotional relief and reassurance that comes with trusting God to handle the situations that cause you tears.

Live with an Attitude of Resilience
James 1:12 – “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”

  • Use the phrase “Do not weep” as a personal mantra for resilience. It’s a call to pick yourself up during hard times and choose to move forward with strength and faith, knowing that challenges will come, but it does not define the entirety of your existence.

The simple command to “Do not weep” is a powerful daily reminder of God’s presence, provision, and potential in your life. It encourages a lifestyle of faith, hope, and emotional strength, rooted in the assurance of divine intervention and support.

Sharing Comfort with Others
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 – “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Finally, just as Jesus comforted the widow, you can be a source of comfort to others around you. When you encounter someone who is grieving or going through a tough time, offer words of comfort and encouragement. Let them know that they are not alone, that their feelings are seen, and that there is hope for a better tomorrow.


 “Father, let Your compassionate nature be evident in my life. May I recognize Your tender care in every challenge I face.” “Fill me with all joy and peace as I trust in You, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

” I ask for Your divine intervention in my most desperate situations. Transform my mourning into dancing and my sorrow into joy.” “Guide my thoughts towards what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. Help me to meditate on these things and find peace in them.”

“Strengthen my heart to choose joy and positivity even when I am faced with difficulties, knowing that You are with me.” Remind me to turn to You in prayer in every circumstance, casting all my cares upon You because You care for me.”

“As I lay my burdens before You in prayer, let me experience the reassurance and emotional relief that comes from trusting in Your providence.” “Bless me with the endurance to face trials with courage and to emerge stronger, receiving the crown of life You have promised.” Help me to use my challenges as stepping stones to grow in faith and love, showing resilience in every aspect of my life.”

“Heavenly Father, use me as an instrument of Your comfort. Help me to provide support and encouragement to those around me who are struggling. “Grant me the empathy to understand the pain of others and the wisdom to offer words of comfort and hope that reflect Your love.”
In Jesus’ name, I pray amen.

Affirmations to Meditate On

  • God is compassionate toward me.
  • My circumstances can transform unexpectedly with divine intervention.
  • I choose to focus on the positives and maintain a hopeful perspective.
  • My prayers are heard, and I trust God to handle my burdens.
  • I am resilient, and challenges do not define my existence.
  • I will be a source of comfort and hope to others.


2. The Open Coffin  

Luke 7:14
“Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, ‘Young man, I say to you, arise.’”

Jesus approaches the coffin and touches it, a gesture that would have been seen as ritually unclean according to Jewish customs. His command, “arise,” is assertive and authoritative.

By breaking the norms Jesus symbolizes the breaking of the barriers between life and death, purity and impurity, showing that His mission transcends traditional boundaries. His word alone is powerful enough to reverse death, highlighting His divine nature and authority over life and death.

The concept of the “open coffin” offers several layers of application, especially in a spiritual or personal development context. Here are a few ways to interpret

Symbol of Exposure and Vulnerability

  • The open coffin symbolizes a state of complete exposure and vulnerability. In the story, the open coffin reveals the reality of death and the grief associated with it.
  • Sometimes we go through challenges or struggles that are fully exposed, thereby making us feel vulnerable. Be reminded that no matter what it may seem like or how the world views the situation God will never allow you to be ashamed. He will step into our exposed vulnerabilities to bring healing and restoration.

Transition Point

  • 2 Corinthians 5:17:
  • “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
  • The coffin being open instead of closed signifies a transitional state between death and life. It suggests the possibility and the potential for change that hasn’t been sealed off.
  • Sometimes we are caught between stages of life, making decisions and choices can be challenging as we weigh out the options before us. No situation is beyond change when God steps in then even the direst circumstances will change. Remember God’s Word is final on any matter.

Opportunity for Divine Intervention
Jeremiah 32:27 — “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”

  • An open coffin also represents an opportunity for God to work miracles. It’s open, not sealed, indicating that the final word hasn’t been spoken. Hallelujah.
  • No matter how definitive a setback might seem, there is always room for God to work. Please repeat this “THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR GOD TO WORK” The ‘openness’ symbolizes openness to divine possibilities, praise GOD!!
  • This is a good time to speak to God on any issue affirming divine possibilities on any matter.

Reversal of Finality
Isaiah 43:19 — “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

  • Traditionally, a coffin symbolizes finality—the end of life. However, in this story, the open coffin turns into a site of new beginnings.
  • You see, with God, no end is absolute. Have hope if you feel you are at ‘end-of-the-line’ scenarios, whether that’s in relationships, careers, health, or personal growth, no end is absolute with God. There is always a new beginning.

A Call to Action for Us Believers

  • The fact that Jesus acts when the coffin is open can also symbolize the necessity of openness to faith and intervention.

Open your heart to faith and to divine intervention. Position your heart to receive God’s intervention. Open up the ‘coffins’ of your deepest troubles or sins so that God can step in to heal and restore.


As we begin to pray, the first thing to do is ask the Holy Spirit to search the deepest recesses of your heart and reveal to you the things that you have put in the “coffin” hoping to bury it. Even if you have buried it, Jesus still rose Lazarus from the dead. With God all things are possible.
So do not be afraid to dream again or hope again.

This week our focus during the praying in Tongues sessions has been Hope in God by the power of the Holy Spirit. Your hope will not disappoint you because God has put His love in you to assure you that he will come through for you.

Romans 5:  And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Heavenly Father, I come before You acknowledging my moments of exposure and vulnerability. Just as the open coffin revealed the reality of death and grief, my struggles and challenges often leave me feeling exposed. Lord, I trust that You will never allow me to be ashamed. Step into my vulnerabilities and bring healing and restoration. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Your Word says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has gone, and the new is here. I believe in Your power to bring change and new beginnings. As I navigate the stages of my life and make challenging decisions, I trust that no situation is beyond Your ability to transform. Let Your final Word prevail in every aspect of my life, in Jesus’ name, amen.

You declare in Jeremiah 32:27 that nothing is too hard for You. No matter how definitive a setback might seem, I believe there is always room for You to work. THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR GOD TO WORK. Lord, I open my heart and invite You to step into my circumstances. Affirm Your divine possibilities over every situation I face. I trust in Your power to bring about miraculous changes in Jesus’ name Amen.

Your promise in Isaiah 43:19 assures me that You are doing a new thing, making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Lord, I hold onto hope, knowing that no end is absolute with You. In areas of my life where I feel at the end of the line (mention them) —be it in relationships, careers, health, or personal growth—grant me the assurance of new beginnings. Let Your resurrection power bring life to every dead situation in my life. In Jesus’ name Amen.

I open my heart to faith and position myself to receive Your divine intervention. I bring before You my deepest troubles and sins (mention them)

Heavenly Father, I ask that You will step in to heal and restore. Search the deepest recesses of my heart, Holy Spirit, and reveal the things I have buried, hoping to forget. With You, all things are possible. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Heavenly Father, I ask the Holy Spirit to search my heart and reveal the areas where I need Your touch. Even the things I have buried, I believe You can bring back to life, just as You raised Lazarus from the dead. I will not be afraid to dream again or hope again. My hope in You will not disappoint because You have poured Your love into my heart through the Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your assurance and the hope that never fails. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Affirmations to Meditate On

  • God will never allow me to be ashamed.
  • No situation is beyond change with God’s intervention.
  • There is always room for God to work.
  • With God, no end is absolute; there is always a new beginning.
  • I open my heart to faith and divine intervention.
  • My hope in God will not lead to disappointment.

3. Young Man  


Luke 7: 14 Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.

This death was premature, it was wicked. The devil came to steal, kill and destroy. He is roaming about like a roaring lion seeking for whom to devour. 1 Peter 5:8.

The death of the young man in Luke 7:11-17 was an attack. It had implications for both his life and that of his mother:

For the Young Man:

End of Life:

  • The young man’s death meant the abrupt end of his life, cutting short his potential and future opportunities. It was a premature cessation of his existence and contributions to his community and family.

Loss of Future:

  • His death represented the loss of all his future experiences, relationships, and accomplishments. Whatever dreams and aspirations he might have had were halted.

For His Mother:

Emotional Devastation:

  • The death of her only son would have been a source of extreme grief and emotional devastation for the mother. It meant losing someone she deeply loved and cherished. The only family she had left.

Social and Economic Vulnerability:

  • In the cultural context of the time, a widow losing her only son was catastrophic. Her son would have been her primary means of support and protection. Without him, she would likely face severe social and economic vulnerability, potentially leading to destitution.

Loss of Security and Support:

  • The young man’s death meant the loss of her primary source of security and support. As a widow, her son would have been responsible for providing for her needs and ensuring her well-being.

Isolation and Marginalization:

  • The death could lead to her social isolation and marginalization. Without a male protector or provider, she would be at risk of being overlooked and neglected by the broader community.


  • The loss of her only son could lead to a deep sense of hopelessness and despair. Her future prospects would seem bleak without the presence and support of her son.

Indeed, the devil came to kill to steal and destroy her joy. I wish this story ended in the pages of the Bible, but unfortunately, Satan is still at work. Therefore, we must take authority and cancel every plan of the adversary to cause sorrow, tears and hardship in our lives.

Affirmations to Meditate On

  • God will protect and cause me to fulfill my potential and future opportunities.

  • No attack from the enemy can stand against God’s power and intervention.

  • God restores joy and brings new life to every situation.

  • With God’s authority, I have victory over every plan of the adversary.

  • My hope in God’s promises will never lead to disappointment.

  • God is my unwavering support and provider, ensuring my well-being.

  • With God, every ending is a new beginning filled with hope.

  • I open my heart to God’s work and trust in His divine intervention.

Prayer of Warfare Against the Schemes of the Enemy

Heavenly Father,

I acknowledge Your sovereignty and power. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and there is none like You. I thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace that are new every morning. Your Word says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us (Romans 8:37). Today, I stand firm on that promise and declare victory over every scheme of the enemy.

Lord Jesus, just as You spoke life into the young man in Luke 7:14, I ask You to speak life into every area of my life and purpose that the enemy has targeted. By Your authority, I declare that every plan of the devil to steal, kill, and destroy is nullified in the mighty name of Jesus.

I come against every premature death, every wicked plan, and every attack of the enemy against my life and family. I cancel every assignment of the adversary meant to bring sorrow, tears, and hardship. I declare that my life, my purpose, and my future are secured in Your hands, Lord.

I plead the blood of Jesus over myself and my loved ones. Your blood speaks better things than the blood of Abel (Hebrews 12:24). It speaks protection, provision, and deliverance. By the power of Your blood, I break every chain, every curse, and every plot of the enemy.

Father, I declare that I will not be shortchanged by the evil one. Every opportunity, every blessing, and every breakthrough that You have ordained for me will come to fruition. I will fulfill the purpose and destiny that You have set before me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgment, I shall condemn (Isaiah 54:17).

I take authority over every spirit of hopelessness, despair, and fear. I bind and cast them out in Jesus’ name. I release the spirit of hope, joy, and peace over my life. Your Word says that the joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Fill me with Your joy and strengthen me for the journey ahead.

Lord, I pray for a hedge of protection around me and my family. Send Your angels to guard us in all our ways (Psalm 91:11). Let Your presence be a constant shield around us, keeping us safe from every harm and danger.

Father, I thank You for the victory I have in Christ. I thank You that I am an overcomer, and nothing can separate me from Your love. I give You all the glory, honor, and praise for the breakthroughs and testimonies that will come forth from this prayer.

In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray,


Stay strong in your faith and continue to declare God’s promises over your life. His plans for you are good, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).


4. Presented to His Mother

Luke 7:15
“So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.”

The dead man responds immediately to Jesus’ command by sitting up and speaking, confirming not only his return to life but also his full restoration.

What a privilege, what a miracle, what unimaginable joy must have filled the heart of this young man’s mother’s heart and the community by extension. One minute they were mourning the loss of the only son of this woman and the next thing the miracle of restoration back to life takes place. Thank You, Jesus.

Let’s explore further the theme of restoration.
Theme of Restoration

Just as Jesus restored life to the son and returned him to his mother, God is actively interested in restoring lost relationships, missed opportunities, and even weakened faith in our lives. Let this verse encourage you that no situation is too dire for God to restore. His power to revive goes beyond just the physical; it extends into every aspect of our human experience.

Divine Intervention in Personal Matters

This verse underscores the personalized nature of Jesus’ miracles. It wasn’t merely that He raised the son, but He deliberately presented him back to his mother, recognizing and addressing her deep pain and loss. This assures us that God is deeply concerned with the intimate details of our lives. He understands each person’s specific needs and intervenes in ways that are precisely tailored to individual circumstances.

Reunion and Reconciliation

Just imagine the joy and peace that come from reunion and reconciliation. Whether it’s between estranged family members, friends, or even with God Himself, Christ enables such healing and brings us back, restored, forgiven, and renewed, to our ‘family’—whether our biological family, our church family, or our community.

Just as the crowd witnessed this miraculous act and the intimate moment of a son being presented to his mother, you also will witness God’s works in your life and you will share these testimonies with others.

Celebration of Life

Verse 15 is a celebration life, not just in the literal sense but also spiritual revival and the new life found in Christ. If you are feeling spiritually ‘dead’ or distant from God, let this be a reminder that Jesus is continuously at work, bringing new life and presenting us renewed to our divine caretaker.

Be reassured that even in our darkest moments, when all seems lost, God is capable of orchestrating a turnaround that leads to joyful reunions and miraculous recoveries.
Let us hold onto these truths, carry them in our hearts, and let them renew our spirits as we walk through life’s challenges and celebrations alike.

Prayer Declarations for Restoration and Reconciliation

Where do you seek restoration? This is a good time to ask for it, just as Jesus presented the widow of Nain’s son back to her whole, ask God for restoration.

Pray “Father I ask for complete restoration …. 

“In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare restoration of life to every dead situation. Just as the son was restored to life and to his mother, I speak life into every dead dream, every lost opportunity, and every weakened faith. Rise up and declare the glory of God!”  

 “I declare that God’s hand is moving intricately in my personal matters. Just as Jesus addressed the deep pain of the widow by returning her son, Father, I ask that You intervene in my circumstances, understanding and meeting my specific needs with precision and care.”  

 “I declare that the power of Christ brings reconciliation and reunion. May my family members come together, may lost friendships be renewed, and may God restore intimacy with Him in Jesus’ name.”  

 “Heavenly Father, cause me to witness the miraculous in my life, just as the crowd witnessed Jesus’ miracle. May my life reflect Your mighty works, and may I share these testimonies of Your faithfulness and love with others, in Jesus’ name.”  

 “In the name of Jesus, I celebrate the new life my Heavenly Father grants us—spiritually and physically. I declare a spiritual revival and renewal in Jesus’ name.”  

 “I declare that no situation is too much for God to handle. In my darkest moments, when all seems lost, I speak a divine turnaround. May there be joyful reunions, miraculous recoveries, and the blossoming of new beginnings.” In Jesus’ name, amen.  

 “I declare that I will hold onto God’s truths, carry them in my heart, and let them renew my spirit. Through life’s challenges and celebrations, may these truths strengthen me, guide me, and fill me with unshakeable faith.”  

 “Just as the son sat up and began to speak, I declare that what seemed dead and obsolete in my life shall sit up and begin to speak. Dreams, purposes, marriages, and relationships—rise and declare the restoration power of God!” In the mighty name of Jesus’, I pray amen.   

Celebrate the goodness of God in your life and thank Him for the things that have come back alive and been restored whole. 

Let us complete this watch by breaking bread together (Sharing communion). I will be live on YouTube and Instagram at 1 PM EST/ 6 PM WAT (Nigeria).

All handles are @thewatchersprayerministry. 

YouTube – Do Not Weep 

Thank you for joining this weekend’s watch you are blessed beyond measure. 

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Pastor Tee