The Gospel Of The Kingdom – Unveiling The Glory Of Christ In Cana’s Miracle

By Pastor Juliana T Akinbami

Analyzing the Transformation of Water into Wine

1. The Significance of the Number of Jars

John 2:Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece

The narrative in John 2:1-11, which describes Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, holds profound significance for us as modern Christians. The use of six stone water pots in this miracle is rich in symbolic meaning.

Firstly, these pots were traditionally used for Jewish purification rituals. This represents the old covenant and religious practices that people followed to become ceremonially clean before God. However, Jesus’ act of turning water into wine signifies the ushering in of a new covenant, one marked by grace and not by adherence to ritualistic laws. This teaches us about the transformational power of Christ, who transforms not just water into wine, but our lives from the old to the new, filled with His grace and truth.

Secondly, the number six in the Bible is often seen as incomplete or imperfect, as it falls one short of seven, which represents completeness or perfection. This can symbolize our own incompleteness without Christ. In filling the pots with water, which He then turned into the finest wine, Jesus shows that He is the one who completes us and brings fullness into our lives.

As modern Christians, we can relate to this miracle by understanding that, just like the water pots, we are vessels. It reminds us that our lives, which may seem ordinary or insufficient, can be transformed by Jesus into something extraordinary. We are called to be filled with His presence, allowing Him to work through us, turning our ordinary into His extraordinary.

Additionally, this miracle, being the first that Jesus performed, indicates the beginning of His public ministry, revealing His glory to the disciples and strengthening their faith in Him. It encourages us as believers to also reveal Christ’s glory through our lives, impacting those around us and strengthening their faith.

Let us Pray

Heavenly Father,

I am a humble vessel, eager and open to be filled with Your Holy Spirit. Like the water pots at the wedding in Cana, I recognize my ordinariness and incompleteness without Your divine intervention. I ask You, Lord, to pour into me Your living water, transforming me from the inside out, making me a vessel for Your glory.

As You miraculously turned water into wine, turn my life into a testimony of Your grace and power. Let Your Spirit work within me, fostering change that is not only perceptible to myself but also evident to all those around me. Empower me to embody Your love, Your wisdom, and Your compassion in my everyday actions and interactions.

I declare my willingness and courage to be used by You, Lord. Guide my steps and my decisions so that everything I do glorifies Your name. Use me as an instrument of Your peace, as an agent of Your kingdom in this world, reflecting Your glory and drawing others closer to You.

I acknowledge my need for You. Without Your guidance, I am like a vessel adrift, without direction or purpose. Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord, and help me to overflow with Your love, becoming a source of blessing, hope, and encouragement to others.

In Jesus’ name, I affirm these declarations, trusting in Your transformative power in my life and the lives of those around me.


2. Symbolism of Water in the Bible

John 2:Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece. Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim.

In John 2:1-11, the narrative of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, the element of water plays a pivotal role, symbolizing several profound spiritual truths.

Firstly, there’s the theme of Purification and Cleansing. The water that Jesus transformed was destined for Jewish purification rituals. These rituals were deeply ingrained in Jewish culture, representing both spiritual and physical cleanliness. However, Jesus’ act of turning this water into wine marked a significant shift. It signalled the arrival of a new path to purification, one rooted not in the adherence to ritualistic law but through faith in Him. This stark transition from water, symbolizing the old covenant of law and purification rituals, to wine, symbolizing the new covenant of grace and salvation through Christ, presents a vivid image of spiritual transformation.

Secondly, the symbolism of Transformation and New Life is inherent in this miracle. Water, a fundamental element for sustaining life, is frequently used throughout the Bible as a metaphor for spiritual birth and renewal, as seen in verses like John 3:5 and Ephesians 5:26. In transforming water into wine, Jesus demonstrates His divine ability to enact change not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual realm of our lives. He offers new beginnings and a transformation into a new nature in Him, indicating a spiritual rebirth and renewal 2 Corinthians 5:17. Just as water was turned into wine, Jesus can turn our ordinary, mundane existence into something extraordinary and abundant. He can take our struggles, failures, and shortcomings and transform them into something beautiful and meaningful.

The third significant symbolism is the Abundance and Generosity of God. In this miracle, water, a basic and readily available resource, is converted into the finest wine, which in Jewish culture was a symbol of joy and celebration. This transformation is indicative of the abundant blessings, joy, and grace that Jesus bestows upon our lives. It’s a reminder that what Christ offers goes beyond mere sufficiency; it is abundant and of the highest quality, reflecting the generosity and overflowing nature of God’s grace.

Finally, this miracle reminds us that Jesus is the Source of Living Water. This theme is further explored in John’s Gospel when Jesus refers to Himself as the source of ‘living water’ (John 4:10, 7:38). This concept positions Jesus as the fountain of spiritual life and satisfaction, offering an eternal, fulfilling life that surpasses the temporary fulfillment derived from worldly pleasures.

For us, these symbolic meanings embedded in the water-to-wine miracle serve as powerful reminders. They underscore the transformative power of faith in Christ, the new life and purification He offers, and the abundance of grace and blessings available to us through Him. This miracle encourages us to look to Jesus as the ultimate source of true spiritual sustenance and renewal, reminding us of the profound impact of His presence in our daily lives.
Let us seek the living water that Jesus offers, which will truly satisfy our deepest longings and bring about lasting change in our lives. Let us drink deeply from the well of His grace and allow Him to transform us from the inside out.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father,

I declare with a heart full of faith that, just as Jesus transformed water into wine, You will transform my heart and soul. I pray for cleansing from my old ways and the rituals I clung to for false purity. May my life be deeply rooted in faith in You, transitioning from the old covenant of law to the new covenant of grace and salvation in Christ. I ask for the washing away of my past and the renewal of my spirit in Jesus’ name.

You are the author of life and the master of transformation. I ask You to take the ordinary water of my life and turn it into the wine of Your divine purpose. I anticipate the spiritual birth and renewal promised in Your Word. Transform my life from within, granting me a new beginning and a new nature in Christ. As the water turned into wine, so too may my existence become a testimony of Your extraordinary grace and abundance. I pray for the transformation of my struggles, failures, and shortcomings into beauty and meaning, and for guidance in Your ways so that I may reflect Your transformative power in all that I do.

Lord, You are the God of abundance and generosity. May I experience the fullness of Your blessings, joy, and grace in my life. Help me to see the transformation of the ordinary into the extraordinary as a sign of Your boundless grace and to celebrate Your generosity, living in the joy of Your abundant provision.

Dear Jesus, You are the living water, the source of eternal life and true fulfillment. I commit to continually seeking You, the fountain of all satisfaction. I choose to find my fulfillment not in the transient pleasures of this world, but in the eternal joy You provide. May Your living water flow through me, quenching my deepest thirsts and bringing about lasting change in my life. I trust in You, Lord, to guide and sustain me with Your living water. In Jesus’ name, I make these declarations, believing in Your transformative power in my life.


3. The Symbolism of Wine

John 2: When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. 

The choice of wine as the substance to be transformed by Jesus is not a coincidence. Wine is often associated with the Blood of Christ, representing the sacrifice that Jesus made for our redemption. By turning water into wine, Jesus not only demonstrates his power to perform miracles but also foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice he will make on the cross.

Secondly, wine represents the New Covenant of Grace. This transformation from water to wine symbolizes Jesus’ transition from the old covenant, rooted in law and rituals, to the new covenant, centred on grace and faith. It illustrates the change from the legalistic practices of the Old Testament to the grace-filled teachings of the New Testament, underscoring the transformative power of Jesus’ ministry.

Additionally, wine is a symbol of Celebration and Joy. In many cultures, including Jewish culture, wine is associated with festivity and celebration. The provision of wine by Jesus at the wedding signifies the joy and abundance He brings into our lives. It embodies the Christian life’s celebratory nature, filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, and reflects the joy and contentment found in a life with Christ.

Furthermore, this miraculous event showcases the Divine Transformation. The conversion of ordinary water into extraordinary wine illustrates God’s transformative power. This symbolizes how Jesus transforms human lives, changing people from a state of sin to righteousness, from fear to peace, from despair to hope, from brokenness to wholeness, from self-centeredness to love, from isolation to community, from aimlessness to purpose, from condemnation to forgiveness, from desolation to fruitfulness, from poverty to riches, from death to life.

Lastly, wine in the context of a wedding feast represents Fulfillment and Satisfaction. Spiritual fulfillment and satisfaction can only be found in Christ. Just as wine satisfies the physical thirst of the guests, Christ satisfies the spiritual thirst and needs of humanity.

For us, these layers of symbolism in the wine at the wedding in Cana serve as a powerful reminder of the multifaceted nature of Christ’s mission. They emphasize the joy and celebration in Christ, the transformative impact of faith, the new covenant established through grace, and the ultimate sacrifice that leads to our redemption. These symbols encourage us to seek and find our spiritual fulfillment and satisfaction in Jesus Christ, celebrating the abundant life He promises.

Let Us Pray

I hereby declare:
Just as Jesus transformed water into wine at Cana, He has the power to effect change. in my life. I am journeying from the mundane to the miraculous, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Jesus is shaping my life and redirecting my path, turning my simplest offerings into significant blessings. (Add yours)

Just as wine epitomizes the New Covenant of Grace; I have transitioned from a life weighed down by law to one uplifted by grace and faith. In my journey, I move away from legalistic practices to embrace a faith-driven life, filled with grace and hope. I am under a new covenant where faith, hope, and love prevail.

Just as wine is a symbol of joy and celebration. I am filled with the new wine of the Holy Spirit. I am filled with the joy and abundance Jesus brings. My daily experiences are infused with a sense of joy, purpose, and celebration.

I declare a divine transformation in my life. I have changed from fear to peace, despair to hope, turmoil to tranquillity, darkness to light, confusion to clarity, and timidity to boldness. Jesus transforms every aspect of my being.

Just as wine represents fulfillment and satisfaction, Christ fulfills all my spiritual and physical needs. Just as wine quenches physical thirst, Christ satisfies my hunger and thirst, offering me deep and enduring fulfillment.

I declare that in Jesus, my life finds its fullness. His transformative power is evident in turning my challenges into opportunities and my struggles into victories. The transformation from water to wine at Cana becomes a personal symbol of how my life, in Jesus’ hands, is continually being transformed for the better.

In Jesus’ name, I affirm these declarations, trusting in His transformative power to enrich every aspect of my life, just as He transformed water into wine, bringing joy and abundance to all. Amen.

4. The manifestation of Jesus’ glory

John 2:11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.

What Is Glory?

The concept of “glory” in a biblical and theological context is multifaceted and rich in meaning.
Firstly, glory, in its most general sense, refers to the magnificence, beauty, and splendour of God. It’s an attribute that emphasizes His greatness and majesty. In the Bible, God’s glory is often depicted as a visible manifestation of His presence. For example, the Israelites experienced God’s glory as a cloud or a consuming fire (Exodus 16:10, 24:17). This visible manifestation is a way of understanding God’s incomprehensible and awe-inspiring nature.

Secondly, glory can also refer to the honour, praise, and worship that is due to God. This is evident in numerous psalms and hymns throughout the Scriptures, where the glory of God is extolled. When we acknowledge God’s sovereignty, power, and love through worship and obedience, we are giving glory to Him.

Furthermore, the New Testament reveals that Jesus is the embodiment of God’s glory (Hebrews 1:3). The miracles, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus are the ultimate revelation of God’s glory to humanity. In the life and work of Jesus, the character and nature of God are fully displayed.
Glory can also refer to believers’ ultimate destiny. The New Testament speaks of a future glory that believers will share with Christ (Romans 8:17). This involves being transformed into His likeness, enjoying eternal life, living in victory, and participating in the fullness of God’s kingdom. It is a hope that provides comfort and motivation for us to live faithfully.

In conclusion, glory, as it pertains to our faith, encompasses God’s visible magnificence, the honour due to Him, the revelation of His nature through Jesus Christ, and the promised future state of believers sharing in this divine glory. It’s a comprehensive term that captures the essence of God’s relationship with the world and His followers.

Now to the statement “This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory;” John 2:11a. What does this mean?

“Manifested His glory,” as mentioned in John 2:1-11, particularly in verse 11, holds profound significance in the context of Jesus’ ministry and Christian theology, with several layers of meaning.

Firstly, the phrase refers to the **Revelation of Divine Nature. The term “manifested” suggests making something clear or obvious which was previously hidden. In this instance, when Jesus “manifested His glory,” it meant that He was revealing His divine nature and power. This first miracle was not merely a display of supernatural ability but was a revelation of His identity as the Son of God, distinguishing Him from being just a teacher or prophet.

Secondly, it signifies the Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies. In Jewish tradition, the arrival of the Messiah was expected to be accompanied by miraculous signs. Isaiah 35:5-6Isaiah 61:1. Thus, by performing this miracle, Jesus was fulfilling these Messianic expectations. It served as a concrete indication that the salvation promised by God was being actualized through Him.

Furthermore, this event was crucial in establishing Jesus’ Authority. It marked the commencement of His public ministry, setting the tone for His work and laying the foundation for His disciples’ faith. By demonstrating His divine power, Jesus established His authority as someone with a divine mission.

Lastly, this miracle serves as a Preview of the Kingdom of God. Miracles in the New Testament are often seen as glimpses of the Kingdom of God, a realm where suffering, pain, and lack are no more. Matthew 12:28, Revelation 21:4. In providing abundantly for the wedding feast, Jesus gave a preview of what the Kingdom of God entails – a place filled with joy and abundant provision. In the Lord’s prayer, Jesus calls us to declare the Kingdom of God comes and His will be done on earth as in Heaven.
John 1:14 declares “and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth”. May we all behold this glory and be partakers in Jesus’ name. Amen

In summary, when Jesus “manifested His glory,” it denoted the unveiling of His divine attributes and authority, the inauguration of the new covenant, and confirmed His identity as the Messiah. It was a defining moment that solidified the foundation for the faith that would be cultivated in His disciples. For
believers, it represents a call to recognize and have faith in Jesus’ divinity and His role as the Saviour.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father,

I declare in the mighty name of Jesus: Lord, You turned water into wine, showcasing Your first miracle and unveiling Your glory as described in John 2:11. I now seek the manifestation of that same glory in every facet of my life. May Your miraculous power touch and transform my family, career, health, relationships, and all the endeavours I undertake.

As declared in 2 Corinthians 3:18, “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.” I affirm that by Your grace, I am continually beholding Your glory and being transformed, reflecting Your image in everything I do.

In line with Colossians 1:27, “To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory,” I decree that this truth is my daily reality. Christ in me is indeed the hope of glory.

I declare Your divine intervention in all situations where I see no way out. Just as You provided the best wine at the last moment at Cana, I believe in Your timing for solutions and breakthroughs in my life. Manifest Your glory, O Lord, in every challenging circumstance.

Psalm 27:4 says, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple,” I am committed to keeping my focus on You. I will dwell in Your presence, where Your glory is most evident in my life.

In the name of Jesus, I make these declarations, trusting in Your power and glory to be manifested in my life. Amen.

5. The impact of this miracle on the disciples’ belief

John 2:11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.

The miracle of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, narrated in John 2:1-11, impacted the disciples’ belief and understanding of Jesus and His ministry.

Remember that they were invited as guests to this wedding. This event was a significant revelation of Jesus’ divine nature to the disciples. Prior to this, they may have been intrigued by His teachings or felt a spiritual call to follow Him, but witnessing this miraculous transformation of water into wine provided concrete evidence of His divine power. This miracle was more than a mere display of supernatural ability; it was an unmistakable demonstration that Jesus was endowed with divine authority, distinguishing Him from a typical rabbi or prophet.

This miracle notably strengthened the disciples’ faith in Jesus. John 2:11 explicitly mentions that this first sign led to the disciples’ belief in Him. Experiencing such a miraculous event firsthand would have not only affirmed their decision to follow Him but also deepened their understanding and conviction of His mission and identity as the Messiah.

Additionally, the miracle served as an important lesson in the transition to the new covenant of grace that Jesus was introducing. The disciples, familiar with the Jewish laws and rituals, witnessed Jesus replacing the traditional use of water for ceremonial cleansing with wine, symbolizing the transformative and liberating nature of His ministry. This would have provided a powerful visual lesson on the shift from the old covenant of law to the new covenant of grace and truth in Christ.

The event also provided insight into the nature of the Kingdom of God. By witnessing Jesus provide abundantly and joyfully at the wedding feast, the disciples glimpsed a reality where lack and sorrow are replaced by abundance and joy, reflecting the essence of the Kingdom that Jesus proclaimed.

Finally, witnessing this miracle would have been instrumental in preparing the disciples for their future ministries. Seeing Jesus’ miracles firsthand equipped them with the conviction and experiences necessary to preach the Gospel effectively and bear witness to Jesus’ life and power after His resurrection and ascension.

In essence, the miracle at Cana was a foundational event for the disciples. It deepened their personal relationship and trust in Jesus, expanded their understanding of His mission, and fortified their faith, setting the stage for their crucial roles in the early Christian church.

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father,

I thank You, Lord, for revealing Your glory and divine nature through Your Son, Jesus Christ. I affirm that, like the disciples, my faith is continually fortified by Your enduring presence and the mighty works You perform in my life.

In transforming water into wine, Jesus heralded a new covenant of grace and truth. I declare that I am living fully in this truth, embracing the freedom and renewal it brings into every aspect of my existence.

You are the God of abundance and joy. Just as You lavishly provided at the wedding feast, I acknowledge and celebrate the abundance You bring into my life. I declare a constant awareness of Your Kingdom’s reality, where joy replaces sorrow and Your generous provision overcomes all lack.

I am prepared, Lord, just as You prepared the disciples, for the path You have set before me. I declare that the conviction and experiences of Your mighty works in my life equip me to effectively share Your Gospel and witness Your enduring love and power.

I ask for a deeper, more trusting relationship with Jesus. I declare my eyes and heart are continually open to the revelation of His divine nature, and my life is a living testament to His transformative power.

In the precious name of Jesus, I offer this declaration with a thankful and humble heart,



Did you think you could learn so much from the wedding at Cana? Well, neither did I. I have enjoyed this study and the prayers, and I hope the message and prayers become our daily realities.

Next week, we will begin the topic of Jesus’ authority over sin. It was Cain’s inability to master sin that led him to kill his brother Abel. Jesus rose from the dead because, as He declared – Satan has nothing in Me.
John 14: 30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. 

May God give us understanding in Jesus name.

Please complete your Watch by breaking bread – You can join the live or watch the replay on our YouTube Channel @thewatchersprayerministry. Look for the live tab and watch the replay.
God bless and reward your time in prayer.

Much love

Pastor Tee