The Gospel Of The Kingdom – Dealing With The Consequences of Sin

By Pastor Juliana T Akinbami

Dealing With The Consequence of Sin 

1. Original sin

Original sin refers to the first sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as narrated in the book of Genesis. This act of disobedience brought sin into the world, affecting all of humanity. As a result of this original sin, every person is born with a sinful nature.

Effects on Believers:

1. Inherent Sinful Nature: Believers, like all people, are born with an inherent sinful nature, which leads to a natural inclination toward sin.

2. Separation from God: Original sin causes a spiritual separation from God, necessitating redemption and reconciliation.

3. Need for Salvation: It underscores the Christian belief in the need for salvation through Jesus Christ.

4. Moral Struggle: Believers often experience a moral struggle between their sinful nature and the desire to live righteously.

Prayer for Breaking Curses and Patterns of Sin:

Heavenly Father,

In the name of Jesus Christ, I come before You, acknowledging the weight of original sin and its impact on my life. Lord, Your Word in Romans 5:12 explains how sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all people. I confess that this sinful nature has often led me astray.

But I thank You, Lord, for Your grace and mercy. In Ephesians 2:4-5, it is written that because of Your great love for us, You, who are rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace we have been saved.

Today, I stand on the victory of the Cross. I declare that every curse and pattern of sin in my life is broken by the power of Jesus’ blood. I renounce all ties to sin and claim deliverance. As Galatians 3:13 says, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.

I ask for Your Holy Spirit to fill me, guide me, and empower me to walk in righteousness. May my life reflect Your glory and goodness. Help me to live in the freedom that Christ has won for me, breaking free from the chains of sin.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

2. Personal Sins 

– These are individual acts of disobedience against God. They can be thoughts, words, or deeds that go against God’s laws and commands.
– Examples: Lying (Proverbs 12:22), theft (Exodus 20:15), adultery (Exodus 20:14).
Biblical Example:

Biblical Example: The story of Peter denying Jesus is a poignant example of personal sin. As described in the Gospels (e.g., Matthew 26:69-75), Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, denies knowing Jesus three times after Jesus’ arrest. This act was a direct contradiction of his earlier proclamation of unwavering loyalty to Jesus. Peter’s denial stemmed from fear and self-preservation, showcasing how personal sin can arise from our weaknesses and the pressures of circumstances.

Effects on Believers:

  1. Inner Turmoil: Personal sin can cause deep internal conflict and regret, as seen in Peter’s immediate weeping upon realizing his betrayal.
  2. Fear and Compromise: It often stems from fear or desire to conform, leading to actions that betray one’s beliefs or commitments.
  3. Lost Opportunities: Personal sin can result in lost opportunities to stand for one’s faith or to support others in need.
  4. Restoration and Growth: Importantly, personal sins, when acknowledged and repented, can lead to spiritual growth and deeper reliance on God’s grace, as seen in Peter’s restoration and later boldness in his ministry.

Prayer for Overcoming Personal Sin:

Lord God,

I come before You in the name of Jesus, acknowledging my own weaknesses and the times I have fallen into personal sin, much like Peter did when he denied Jesus.

I confess my failures and shortcomings, knowing that You are a God of mercy and forgiveness. I trust in Your promise to cleanse us from all unrighteousness when we confess our sins.

Lord, strengthen me in moments of weakness and fear. Help me stand firm in my faith, not compromising in the face of trials or the opinions of others. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may have the courage and conviction to live out my faith authentically and boldly.

Guide me in Your ways, O Lord. Restore me, as You restored Peter, and use my life for Your glory. May my experiences lead to growth and a deeper understanding of Your grace and love.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

3. Sins of omission

Sins of omission refer to the failure to do something one can and ought to do. This concept is based on the idea that moral responsibility is not only about avoiding wrongful actions (sins of commission) but also about actively doing what is right and just.

James 4:17 states, “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.”

Biblical Example:

One biblical example of a sin of omission is found in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37). In this story, a man is left beaten and half-dead on the road. A priest and a Levite, despite their religious duties and knowledge of what is right, pass by without helping him. Their failure to act, to show compassion and mercy, is a sin of omission. The Samaritan, however, stops to help the man, exemplifying the right action.

Effects on Believers:

1. Spiritual Neglect: Failing to do what is right can lead to spiritual neglect, weakening one’s relationship with God.

2. Missed Opportunities for Blessing: By not doing good when one has the opportunity, believers might miss the chance to bless others and be blessed in return.

3. Hardening of Heart: Repeated sins of omission can lead to a hardening of the heart, making it more difficult to discern and do God’s will.

4. Diminished Witness: Failing to act rightly can diminish a believer’s testimony to others about God’s love and righteousness.

Prayer for Breaking Curses and Patterns of Sins of Omission:

Heavenly Father,

I come before You in the name of Jesus, recognizing my shortcomings and the times I have failed to do what I ought to have done. Your Word in James 4:17 states, “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” Lord, I confess my sins of omission and ask for Your forgiveness.

I pray for the discernment to recognize the opportunities You present for doing good and the courage to act upon them. Help me not only avoid doing wrong but actively seek ways to do good, showing Your love and grace in my actions.

Lord, break any patterns of neglect or indifference in my life. May Your Holy Spirit work in me, transforming my heart and renewing my mind, so that I may be more like Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, as Acts 10:38 tells us.

Guide me in the path of righteousness, and help me to be attentive to the needs of others, extending Your compassion and mercy just as the Good Samaritan did. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

4. Sin of Commission 

Sins of commission are deliberate acts that go against God’s laws and commandments. These sins are actively committed, whether in thought, word, or deed, and they represent a conscious choice to engage in a behaviour known to be wrong.

Biblical Example:

A clear example of a sin of commission is seen in the story of Achan in the book of Joshua. After the Israelites conquered Jericho, God commanded them not to take any of the devoted things from the city. Achan, however, disobeyed and took some of these items, hiding them in his tent (Joshua 7:1, 20-21). His deliberate act of disobedience, a sin of commission, not only affected him but also had consequences for his family and the entire Israelite community, leading to defeat in their next battle.

Effects on Believers:

1. Guilt and Spiritual Burden: Engaging in sins of commission often leads to feelings of guilt and a spiritual burden, as the believer is aware of having consciously done wrong.
2. Separation from God: Sin creates a barrier between the believer and God, disrupting the relationship.
3. Negative Consequences: As with Achan, sins of commission can have negative consequences not just for the individual, but also for those around them.
4. Hinders Spiritual Growth: Persistent sinning can hinder spiritual growth and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Prayer for Breaking Curses and Patterns of Sins of Commission:

Heavenly Father,

In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I come before You, acknowledging my sins of commission – the wrongs that I have knowingly committed. I am reminded of Achan’s story in Joshua 7, where disobedience brought consequences upon himself and others. I confess my deliberate sins before You, seeking Your forgiveness and mercy. (Mention)

Your Word says in 1 John 1:9 that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I ask for Your cleansing from all unrighteousness now. I repent for my actions and desire to turn away from them.

I pray for Your strength and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to resist temptation and to make choices that honour You. Help me to live according to Your Word and keep Your commandments, as they are the path to life and peace.

Lord, break any pattern of deliberate sin in my life. Help me to walk in the freedom that Jesus Christ has secured for me, and to live a life that is a testament to Your transforming power. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

I declare that I am forgiven and set free, and I choose to walk in that freedom from this day forward. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Today, we begin a journey of dealing with sin in our lives. This is leading us somewhere. To experience victory, we must not give the devil a foothold. In Jesus’ name, Amen, we declare the curse of sin is broken. Amen.


Did you think you could learn so much from the wedding at Cana? Well, neither did I. I have enjoyed this study and the prayers, and I hope the message and prayers become our daily realities.

Next week, we will begin the topic of Jesus’ authority over sin. It was Cain’s inability to master sin that led him to kill his brother Abel. Jesus rose from the dead because, as He declared – Satan has nothing in Me.
John 14: 30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. 

May God give us understanding in Jesus name.

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God bless and reward your time in prayer.

Much love

Pastor Tee