The Denarius

By Pastor Juliana T Akinbami

1. The Kingdom Economy operates on the principle of grace and generosity.

In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, we see that the landowner paid the same wage to all the workers, regardless of the amount of time they had laboured. This challenges our human understanding of fairness and merit, but it reveals the heart of God, who graciously bestows blessings upon all who are willing to enter into His work.

Principle of Grace
In the secular world, economies generally operate on principles of exchange, value, and merit. You work, you get paid. The harder or smarter you work, the more you are paid. This is often a “tit-for-tat” system based on fairness and meritocracy.
However, the Kingdom Economy, as illustrated in the Bible, often operates on the principle of grace. In the parable of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16), the landowner pays all workers the same wage, regardless of the hours they have worked. This is not ‘fair’ by worldly standards, but it embodies God’s grace, an unmerited favour. In God’s Kingdom, blessings and rewards are not necessarily correlated with human efforts or merits. God gives freely out of His abundance. Grace means that everyone has access to God’s blessings, not because they have earned it, but because God is generous. Shout Grace Grace!

Heavenly Father,
Lord, I recognize that the world operates on principles of exchange, merit, and fairness. It is a system where rewards are often commensurate to effort. But I am eternally grateful that Your Kingdom, oh God, operates on the Principle of Grace. Your Word teaches me in the parable of the workers in the vineyard that Your blessings are not dispensed according to human merit or effort but are given freely out of Your divine kindness.

I pray for Your grace to permeate every area of my life. Let Your grace be upon my family and marriage, on my ministry, and in my relationships. Father, in my role as a ………, let Your grace shine forth. (Ask for grace in every area of your life.) May those whom I interact with experience Your grace through me, not because I have earned this honour, but because You are a generous God.

Lord, let Your grace be evident in my health, in my finances, and in the work of my hands. May Your grace go before me, making crooked paths straight and opening doors that no man can shut. Let Your grace be my shield and buckler, protecting me and my family from the snares of the enemy and from life’s uncertainties.

Father, I acknowledge that I have not earned these blessings and that I am not entitled to them. Yet, because You are a God of grace, I can confidently hope for favour, mercy, and blessings that are beyond my comprehension. Grace upon grace, Lord, is what I seek.

(Be specific about the areas where you need God’s grace beyond merit.)

Declare “Greater grace, my life is available. Manifest now”
Grace is my beginning, grace sustains me, and grace is my end.
Thank You for hearing my prayer, and thank You for Your unfailing love that sustains me every day.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
May the grace of God sort you out in Jesus’ name, amen.

Principle of Generosity
Moreover, the Kingdom’s Economy is not one person’s gain is another’s loss. God’s blessings are abundant and limitless. The parable demonstrates the principle of generosity that God wants His people to adopt. The landowner in the parable was not constrained by the standards of fair wages as per working hours; he was generous because he owned the vineyard and had the resources to be generous.

Likewise, God owns everything and can afford to be infinitely generous. He is El-Shaddai.

Genesis 35:11
“And God said to him, ‘I am God Almighty [El Shaddai]; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will be among your descendants.'”

The term “El Shaddai” is a Hebrew name for God that is traditionally translated as “God Almighty” or “God All-Sufficient.” The name combines two components: “El,” which is a generic term for God derived from the root word that means might, strength and power and “Shaddai,” which has been variously interpreted but often conveys the idea of sufficiency, nourishment, and power.

Together, “El Shaddai” presents a picture of God who is all-powerful and all-sufficient, capable of fulfilling His promises, nourishing His people, and overcoming obstacles.

As Christians, this means we are encouraged to be generous, not just in terms of money but also in forgiveness, love, and service. Generosity becomes a testimony of God’s character and a form of witness to others.

El Shaddai, God Almighty, the All-Sufficient One,
I come before You with a heart overflowing with awe and reverence. I extol Your name, for You alone are worthy of the highest praise and honour.

Lord, Your word in Genesis 35:11 reveals Your character as a generous God, promising fruitfulness, increase, and the rise of nations and kings from mere mortals. You are not just a God of sufficiency but of abundant overflow. You are El Shaddai, the one who not only meets needs but lavishly exceeds them, filling our lives with blessings too numerous to count.

You are not a God who merely promises; You are a God who fulfills. Just as You fulfilled Your covenant promises to Jacob, making a great nation from his descendants, I am assured that You will fulfill every promise You’ve made concerning my life, my ministry, and my family. You are not a man that You should lie, nor a son of man that You should change Your mind.

Lord, I exalt You as the God who nourishes Your people, who provides mana in the wilderness and water from the rock. You are the Good Shepherd who leads us beside still waters, restoring our souls and guiding us along the paths of righteousness.

I proclaim You as the God who overcomes obstacles, parting seas and breaking down walls to make a way for Your children. Your power knows no bounds, and Your might is without equal. When You speak, mountains tremble, and nations bow.

Thank You for being a generous God, for blessing me not based on my merit but out of Your sheer grace and loving-kindness. Thank You for promising to be with me, to nourish me, and to overcome obstacles on my behalf.

I stand in awe of You, El Shaddai, and I declare Your goodness and generosity to all generations. Thank You for Your faithfulness, for Your unyielding love, and for Your boundless provision.
In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord, I pray.

2. The Kingdom Economy is not based on a scarcity mindset but on abundance.

The landowner in the parable had an abundance of work to be done and constantly sought labourers. This principle reminds us that God’s resources are limitless, and as intercessors, we are called to tap into this abundance through faith and prayer.

God is the source of all abundance.

Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus”

This verse affirms the idea that God’s supply is inexhaustible.

The abundance mindset manifests faith in God’s promises, believing that God will provide not just sufficiently but abundantly. In doing so, it serves as a testimony to non-believers and strengthens the faith of believers.

In the name of Jesus Christ, the One through whom all things were made and in whom all things hold together, I come before You, Almighty God, the Source of all abundance and limitless provision.

I declare today, rooted in the understanding of Your Kingdom Economy, that scarcity has no place in my life and family. Just as the landowner in the parable had endless work and continually sought labourers, I affirm that You, Lord, have limitless resources and opportunities for each one of us.

I stand on the promise of Philippians 4:19, that You will meet all our needs according to the riches of Your glory in Christ Jesus. I declare that this promise is a floodgate of blessings, more than we can ask or imagine.

Father, in alignment with Your will, I declare an abundance of work for those seeking employment, an abundance of business opportunities for entrepreneurs, and an abundance of clients for those in service professions. I declare abundance in relationships—an abundance of godly husbands and wives and an abundance of children to fill homes with joy and laughter.

I rebuke the mindset of scarcity and lack, in Jesus’ name. I embrace an abundance mindset founded on faith in Your promises, believing that You will provide not merely sufficiently but abundantly. I declare that this mindset serves as a testimony to non-believers, drawing them into Your Kingdom, and as a strengthening pillar for the faith of believers.

As an intercessor, I embrace the call to pray big prayers, for Your Word teaches that there are no limitations to what can be asked for in prayer. Your resources are inexhaustible, and Your love is unmeasurable. I lift up bountiful requests not only for my own needs but also for the needs of my community (The Watchers).

(It is time to make bountiful requests.)
Thank You, Lord, for the privilege of partaking in Your Kingdom Economy. I am grateful for Your unwavering faithfulness and abundant provision. I set my expectations high, knowing that You are a God who exceeds expectations, a God who does immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Ephesians 3:20. 
In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ, I make these declarations and seal them in faith. Amen.

3. The Kingdom Economy values equal treatment and honours the dignity of all workers.

The landowner in the parable treated each worker with respect and fairness, regardless of their status or time of arrival. This challenges our tendency to compare ourselves with others and highlights the importance of embracing our own unique role in God’s Kingdom.

God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). The dignity and worth of an individual in the Kingdom Economy are not based on worldly standards of achievement, social status, or wealth but on the intrinsic value given by God.

Every individual has a unique role in the advancement of God’s Kingdom. This role is not inferior or superior to others; rather, it complements the larger work of God.

In family and marriage dynamics, each family member, from the youngest to the oldest, plays an irreplaceable role. When a family embraces the concept of equal value, it can bring harmony and mutual respect within family structures.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior

I rebuke the spirit of comparison and competition that infiltrates our hearts and minds, sowing discord and discontent. I embrace the truth that each of us has a unique and vital role to play in the advancement of God’s Kingdom. I affirm that this role is neither inferior nor superior to any other but is part of God’s divine plan.

Father, I proclaim that You are no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). In the Kingdom Economy, the dignity and worth of an individual are rooted not in worldly achievements but in the intrinsic value bestowed by You, our Creator. I accept and celebrate my God-given worth and the worth of others, seeing each person through Your eyes, valuing them as You value them.

I declare that each member of my family, from the youngest to the oldest, holds irreplaceable significance and value. I pray for a divine revelation of this Kingdom principle in my family and in every family structure, that as they embrace the concept of equal value, it will bring forth harmony, mutual respect, and lasting unity.

Thank You, Father, for Your fairness and Your boundless love, which knows no favouritism but lavishes grace upon each one of us. I commit to walking in alignment with Your Kingdom principles, demonstrating Your love, grace, and fairness in every sphere of life.

In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I affirm these declarations and seal them in faith.

4. The Kingdom Economy rewards faithfulness.
We see that the workers who were hired earlier grumbled at the landowner’s generosity towards those who had worked only a short time. However, the landowner reminded them that he had fulfilled his promise to pay them what was agreed upon. This highlights the importance of remaining faithful in our intercessory assignments, knowing that God will reward us according to His perfect timing and plan.

God is a promise-keeper, as evidenced in Scriptures such as Numbers 23:19 (“God is not a man, that He should lie”).

Therefore, faithfulness on our part is a response to the immutable character of God. Let us stay committed to intercession. While immediate answers to prayer are celebrated, there is a place for long-haul faithfulness in prayer that often yields the most significant breakthroughs.

Simeon – 
Luke 2:25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 So he came by the Spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the Child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law, 28 he took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said:

29 “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace,
According to Your word;
30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation
31 Which You have prepared before the face of all peoples,
32 A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles,
And the glory of Your people Israel.”

Anna the prophetess 
Luke 2:36 Now there was one, Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was of a great age, and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity; 37 and this woman was a widow of about eighty-four years, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.

There are many more examples in scripture where prayer was prolonged before the answer came. In our prayers, we must never forget the sovereignty of God. He will do it in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has made everything beautiful in its time,” 
We need grace to pray not only the short prayers but the long ones too so that we too can declare like Simeon, “For my eyes have seen Your salvation.”

In our family relationships, it is faithfulness in small things over time that often leads to a more harmonious relationship. The reward may not be immediate but is often more profound and lasting. Remain faithful.


In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer, I come before You, Heavenly Father, to declare truths that align my spirit with Your Kingdom Economy, especially as it pertains to faithfulness in intercession and relationships.

I declare that You, O God, are a promise-keeping God, unchanging in Your character. Your Word assures us in Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man, that He should lie.” Therefore, my faithfulness in prayer and in my relationships is a response to Your immutable nature.

Lord, I declare a commitment to long-haul faithfulness in intercessory prayer, recognizing that immediate answers are a cause for celebration, but it is the consistent, steadfast prayer that often brings about the most significant breakthroughs. Just as Simeon and Anna demonstrated enduring faithfulness in their lifetimes and were rewarded with seeing Your salvation, so too will I remain steadfast in prayer. I lay hold of the truth in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that “You make everything beautiful in its time,” trusting in Your perfect timing for every prayer and every relationship.

Father, grant me the grace to be faithful in both short and extended prayers so that one day, like Simeon, I can declare, “For my eyes have seen Your salvation.” Let this faithful intercession bear fruit, not just in answered prayers but also in the testimony it brings to Your name.

I declare faithfulness in my family relationships, understanding that it is often the small acts of faithfulness accumulated over time that yield lasting harmony and profound rewards. Let the faithfulness I show be a reflection of Your faithfulness to us, Your children.

May this commitment to faithfulness in prayer and relationships be more than just words; let it be a lived experience that manifests Your Kingdom Economy here on Earth.

I seal these declarations in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father, Amen.

5. Understanding the economy of God’s Kingdom impacts our mindset as intercessors.
We should not view our intercessory work as a transactional exchange with God, where we expect rewards based on our efforts. Instead, we should approach it with a humble and grateful heart, recognizing that every opportunity to intercede is a gift from God.

The foundational belief in a relationship with God through Christ is that it is built on grace, not works (Ephesians 2:8-9). This applies to intercession as well, emphasizing that prayer is not a mechanism to earn God’s favour but a relational dialogue with Him.

Recognizing that God is sovereign helps us intercessors to approach prayer with a humble heart. It acknowledges that while God invites us to partner with Him in prayer, He is ultimately the one who will accomplish His will.

Shifting from a transactional to a grace-based mindset changes the motive for intercession. It becomes less about what we can gain and more about participating in God’s divine plan.

This approach should give us a sense of joy, as intercessors recognize that we are privileged to contribute to God’s kingdom. It becomes a gift one offers, not a duty one fulfills to receive something in return.


In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I come before Your throne of grace, Almighty God, to make declarations that align my heart with the principles of Your Kingdom Economy.

I declare that as an intercessor, my role is not transactional but relational. I acknowledge that every opportunity to stand in the gap and pray is not a mechanism to earn Your favour but a gracious gift from You. In alignment with the truth in Ephesians 2:8-9, I affirm that my relationship with You is founded on grace, not works, and this extends to the sphere of intercession.

Father, I honour Your sovereignty in all things, understanding that while You have invited me to partner with You in prayer, You alone are the one who brings Your will to fruition. I humbly submit to Your authority, recognizing that my prayers do not manipulate You but serve as a channel for Your grace to flow.

I declare a shift in my mindset—from transactional to grace-based. No longer will I approach intercession as a duty to fulfill for personal gain. Instead, I see it as a privilege to participate in Your divine plan for humanity. I recognize that intercession is a ministry of love, one that extends Your grace and mercy into the lives of those for whom I pray.

I embrace a sense of joy in my intercessory practice, knowing that it is a gift I offer freely without expectation of return. My joy is rooted in the knowledge that I am contributing to Your Kingdom’s work, that through my prayers, Your will is accomplished on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Lord, may this grace-based perspective permeate my life, my ministry, and every intercessory effort I undertake. Let it be a testament to Your grace, reflecting the true nature of Your Kingdom Economy.
I seal these declarations in the name of Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Watch Completed.

What an awesome time in God’s presence. How can we ever be the same again? Our mindset has shifted. We have a generous God. Hallelujah.

Celebrate God for who he is and what He has freely given to us.

Now, here are ten declarations for this week. (the audio version us below)

I declare that I live under the Kingdom of Grace, not the Kingdom of merit. My life, my family, and my ministry are covered by the unmerited favour of God, and this favour is abundant and overflowing.

I declare that the grace of God permeates every area of my life—my health, my finances, and the work of my hands. I walk in divine alignment, experiencing grace upon grace in every endeavour.

I declare that El Shaddai, the God of more than enough, is the source of my provision. Scarcity has no place in my life or my ministry; I live in the abundance of God’s blessings.

I declare that God is faithful to fulfill every promise He has made concerning my life, my ministry, and my family. I stand firm on His word, expecting the manifestation of His promises.

I declare that in the Kingdom Economy, all are valued equally. I rebuke the spirit of comparison and competition and celebrate the unique roles we each play in advancing the Kingdom of God.

I declare that faithfulness is a cornerstone in my relationship with God and in my ministry. I am committed to long-term faithfulness, knowing that God honours consistent obedience and devotion.

I declare that my intercessory role is relational, not transactional. It is a privilege to partner with God in prayer, serving as a conduit for His grace to flow into the lives of others.

I declare that God’s grace is my shield and buckler. It protects me, my family, and my ministry from the snares of the enemy and from all forms of life’s uncertainties.

I declare that joy fills my heart as I engage in intercessory prayer. This joy is a reflection of my relationship with God, founded not on works but on His abounding grace.

I declare that my faith is anchored in His finished work, and it is by this faith that I access the grace and provisions of God’s Kingdom Economy.

In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ, I affirm these declarations and seal them in faith. Amen.