The First Hour Workers

By Pastor Juliana T Akinbami

Let us Pray 

Early Rising as an Indicator of Diligence:

The act of arriving early to seek work is traditionally a sign of diligence and a strong work ethic. The willingness to begin work at the start of the day indicates a level of commitment and earnestness.

Proverbs 31:15: “She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants.”

Psalm 63:1: “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.”

As you make the following declarations, please pray for yourself and every member of your family, and declare you are early risers. There is a blessing for the early riser. Declare your children will rise early in life. Declare procrastinating is far from them. As you pray


“Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of life and the opportunities that come with each new day. Just as the diligent rise early to seek work, as exemplified in Your Word, I humbly ask for the grace to rise early, filled with energy and commitment for the day ahead. I pray that I will not only be diligent in my pursuit of You but also in my earthly labours—be it in my workplace, in my ministry, or in my responsibilities at home.

May my willingness to start each day with earnestness be a testimony of my commitment to excellence and my devotion to You. Grant me the wisdom to manage my time well, to prioritize tasks that honor You, and to serve others with integrity and love. I pray that my labor will not be in vain, but that it will bring glory to Your name and blessings to those around me.

Equip me, O Lord, with the diligence, skills, and virtues needed to excel in both my spiritual and earthly responsibilities. Let my actions reflect Your glory, and may I always be a positive influence in my environment.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.”

Now, I rebuke every spirit of sloth, laziness, and procrastination that may dwell within me or any member of my family. I come against any hindrance—be it physical, emotional, or spiritual—that prevents us from rising early and being diligent in our work and in seeking You.

I declare in the authority of Your Word that I, and every member of my family are early risers. I declare that there is a special blessing for us as we rise early to seek Your face and to undertake our responsibilities.
I declare that my children will rise early in life, ready to meet each day with eagerness and a spirit of excellence. I claim victory over procrastination, declaring it has no place in our lives.

Father, fill me and my family with Your Holy Spirit, empowering us to be diligent in all we do, whether it’s our work, our relationships, or our spiritual life. May our practice of rising early be an offering to You, a sign of our commitment and earnestness to live according to Your will.

I thank You, Father, for hearing my prayer, and I await Your divine intervention and favour in making us early risers for the glory of Your name.

In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.

2. Readiness for Opportunity:

Being present early in the marketplace can also signify an openness and readiness to seize opportunities as they arise. These workers were prepared for the day’s labor, indicating a form of preparedness both in spirit and in practical terms.

Ephesians 5:15-16: “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”

1 Peter 3:15: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”

To be ready for opportunities, your mind must agree that there are opportunities. It is all around you. Whether it is in your work with the Lord or any other area of your life, opportunities abound. You may not see it, but arise early and know that this is the day the Lord has made and so there are fresh opportunities.

Therefore, you must resist anything that blinds you or your family from being open to opportunities that God is constantly presenting.


“Dear Lord, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude and a desire to walk in Your wisdom. Your Word teaches me to be careful in how I live, to seize every opportunity, and to always be prepared to give an account of the hope that resides in me. Lord, I pray for a spirit of readiness in all that I do.

Enable me to be present, not just physically but also spiritually and mentally, so that I may recognize and seize the opportunities You place before me. Whether these are opportunities to witness to others, to advance in my career, or to grow in my personal life, I pray for the discernment to know when to act.

May my life be a living testimony of preparedness in spirit and in practical terms, ever ready to step into the assignments and blessings You have destined for me. Equip me, Lord, to make the most of each moment, to live wisely in these days, and to be ever prepared to glorify You in all circumstances.

Right now, I renounce every form of blindness, doubt, or unbelief that may be limiting me or my family members from recognizing and taking hold of the opportunities You constantly present to us. I come against any stronghold of fear, indecision, or procrastination that seeks to hinder us from stepping into Your divine appointments.

I declare that my mind, and the minds of my family members, are open to recognizing the opportunities You have set before us. We are alert, discerning, and quick to act on the divine opportunities that align with Your perfect will for our lives.

Father, fill me and my family with Your Holy Spirit, granting us the wisdom and courage to be always prepared. Let our hearts revere Christ as Lord, so that we may seize opportunities to glorify You in all that we do.

I thank You, Lord, for the promise of Your presence and guidance as we walk in readiness for the opportunities You are orchestrating.

I pray all these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

3. Courage and Risk-taking:

Standing in the marketplace doesn’t guarantee employment. The first workers were willing to take the risk that they might not get hired, which shows a level of courage and a willingness to face uncertainty.

Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Pray“Heavenly Father, Your Word assures me that I should be strong and courageous, for You are with me wherever I go. As I stand at the marketplace of life, I am aware that opportunities may come with risks and uncertainties. I humbly ask for the courage to face these uncertainties head-on, fortified by Your promises.

Lord, I reject any spirit of fear that might paralyze me or prevent me from seizing the opportunities You place in my path. I embrace Your gift of a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Grant me the boldness to take calculated risks, whether it’s in my career, ministry, or personal endeavours, knowing that You are with me.

I pray for the wisdom to discern which risks are aligned with Your will and the strength to act upon them. May my actions be a testament to Your power at work within me, empowering me to step into new territories and opportunities fearlessly.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Am

4. Expectation of Justice and Fairness:

The later part of the parable reveals that the first workers expected to be paid more than those who were hired later. This expectation suggests a strong sense of justice and fairness, albeit one that is challenged by the landowner’s actions, raising questions about divine justice versus human perceptions of fairness.

Micah 6:8: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Psalm 9:8: “He rules the world in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity.”

In the parable of the labourers and vineyard, we understand that God is the generous Landowner. You see, we know that God is altogether righteous, so when He gives the early risers and the eleventh-hour workers the same wage, it is done with full knowledge of the needs of everyone. God will never cheat you. However, man is not like that. In whatever we do, there is always an expectation of justice and fairness.
As we pray, let us rebuke any power that aims to devalue our time and effort or cheat us and our families of what is rightfully due us.


“Dear Lord, You are the righteous Judge who rules the world with equity, showing us what is good and requiring us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. Father, I bring before You my concerns and frustrations about the injustices I witness or experience, be it in the workplace or in other aspects of life.

I confess that my understanding of fairness may sometimes differ from Your divine justice. Help me, Lord, to trust in Your supreme judgment even when human systems fail me or seem unjust. Fortify my faith to believe that You are a God of justice who will right every wrong and reward every good deed.

As I navigate my daily tasks and responsibilities, grant me the wisdom and courage to stand up for what is right and to advocate for those who are marginalized or treated unfairly. Equip me to be a beacon of justice and fairness, reflecting Your righteousness in my actions and attitudes.

May my life and my interactions be moulded by Your requirements—to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You. I place my trust in Your divine justice, even when it challenges my human perceptions of fairness, confident that You will bring forth justice in Your perfect time.

I stand against any power, spiritual or earthly, that aims to devalue my time, my effort, or my worth. I rebuke any scheme designed to cheat me and my family of what is rightfully ours, according to Your divine will and order. In the name of Jesus, I come against any spirit of unfairness, injustice, or discrimination that seeks to operate in our lives.

I declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that You will expose and bring to nothing any plans intended to harm us. Let Your fire consume every demonic network assigned to manipulate, deceive, or oppress us.

Father, fill us with Your Holy Spirit, equipping us with the armour needed for this spiritual warfare—Your Word as our sword, faith as our shield, and truth as our belt. Enlighten the eyes of our understanding so that we may discern between just and unjust situations and empower us to stand firm in Your righteousness.

Thank You, Lord, for being our Judge and our Advocate. I rest in the assurance that You will balance every scale, right every wrong, and render to each one according to their deeds in perfect justice and fairness.

I pray all this, trusting in Your divine intervention and guidance in every area of our lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hallelujah, and that brings us to the end of this weekend’s watch. Complete your watch by joining us fir a session of communion by clicking on the links below:

The First Hour Workers – YouTube 

The First Hour Workers – Facebook 

Celebrate our Heavenly father and our God for the end of September, God is Faithful.

Here are ten prayer declarations for you.

  1. Declaration for Diligence: I declare that I and my family members are filled with divine energy and commitment, rising early each day to seek God’s face and fulfill our earthly responsibilities.
  2. Declaration against Sloth: I declare that every spirit of sloth, laziness, and procrastination is rebuked and has no authority over me or my family, in Jesus’ name.
  3. Declaration for Preparedness: I declare that I am always prepared, both in spirit and in practical terms, to seize every divine opportunity that comes my way.
  4. Declaration against Blindness to Opportunities: I declare that nothing will blind me or my family from recognizing and seizing the opportunities that God is constantly presenting to us.
  5. Declaration for Wisdom: I declare that the wisdom of God guides me in managing my time and prioritizing tasks that honour Him and serve others effectively.
  6. Declaration for Courage: I declare that I am strong and courageous, facing risks and uncertainties in the marketplace of life with unwavering faith because God is with me.
  7. Declaration against Fear: I declare that I am not given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind, enabling me to take calculated risks that align with God’s will.
  8. Declaration for Justice and Fairness: I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and any scheme designed to cheat me or my family of what is rightfully ours will be exposed and nullified.
  9. Declaration for Spiritual Readiness: I declare that I am equipped with the full armour of God, standing ready for spiritual warfare against any form of injustice, unfairness, or spiritual hindrance.
  10. Declaration for Divine Guidance: I declare that the Holy Spirit fills and empowers me and my family, guiding us in all wisdom and understanding as we walk according to God’s perfect will.


Thank you for trusting me to invade your space with these prayers. I am truly honoured to serve you. Today, I am giving a special shoutout to Tribe 9 leaders led by Tribe Leader Tomi Aziegbe, who have spent the entire month celebrating their tribe. May God honour you, Amen.

Have a blessed month ahead.

Pastor Tee